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Re: CrossTool-NG, ARM7 bare metal


Sorry for late answer, I was on holiday...

On Friday 20 March 2009 16:25:46 Thomas Charron wrote:
>   I just started to use Crosstool-NG to generate a cross compiler on
> my system for an ARM7 development board I've been previously
> developing under Windows.  I just wanted to follow up with a quick
> thank you.  I was having a %#^ of a time trying to get the toolchain
> to compile for bare metal, this seems to be making it much easier.


> I 
> still haven't gotten it to completely work QUITE yet, but it's getting
> better.  :-D

Are the remaining issues toolchain-realted?
If so, what are they?

>   Any pointers of some gotchas I may end up with?

Well, as you'll see soon enough, "bare-metal" in crosstool-NG is really
that: "bare-metal". It's only a C/C++ compiler, no more. You program will
have to provide all that is needed to speak to the system, provide common
/functions/ (memory management, etc...) and /objects/ (semaphores, shared
memory, etc...) if it needs them.

Really, bare-metal, no more.

I used such a bare-metal compiler to build a bootloader, which has all
it needs to build.

Yann E. MORIN.

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