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Re: Downloading patches for crosstool?

Dan Kegel wrote:
Steven Scholz wrote:

Hi there,

will the patches stored at automagically be downloaded when I start crosstool's ""?

Or do I have to resync by hand to get the latest stuff?

They're already installed in the same tarball that contains
If you want a newer copy of the patches, you have to get a new
crosstool-xxx.tar.gz.  crosstool-0.28-rc37 is the latest, sadly.
There are lots of pending patches for the next release,
but none of them are in the directory you mentioned.

So that means if I am using the crosstool-0.28-rc37 tarball, there are no newer patches for gcc or glibc on your server?
And thus I can't use let's say gcc-3.3.5 since there are no crosstool patches for it...?


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