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Re: [PATCH] config/debuginfod.m4: Rewrite with pkg-config

On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 9:33 PM Simon Marchi <> wrote:
> Instead of calling pkg-config by hand, could we use the PKG_CHECK_MODULES
> autoconf macro?  It is distributed with pkg-config, and is typically the
> one used for that purpose.  We would have to pick a given pkg-config version
> (such as the latest as of today) and mandate that autoreconf/aclocal is ran
> with this pkg-config version.

The reason for calling out to pkg-config as opposed to using
PKG_CHECK_MODULES is that there were concerns raised over its
inclusion in the project due to the copyright of pkg.m4. It uses GPLv2+
but the copyright is not held by the Free Software Association.


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