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C.ADDI x0, 4: illegal instruction ?
- From: Alex Rocha Prado <alex dot prado at nxp dot com>
- To: "binutils at sourceware dot org" <binutils at sourceware dot org>
- Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019 16:45:31 +0000
- Subject: C.ADDI x0, 4: illegal instruction ?
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Hi all,
I noticed binuntils 2.32 assembles the instruction c.addi x0, 4 without any error but from my understanding RISC-V spec defines that as an illegal instruction.
Latest official user-level spec version is 2.2, on page 82, C.ADDI instruction are not allowed to have rs1/rd equal to 0 if nzimm field different from 0. If both rd/rs1 and nzimm are 0, then instruction is actually C.NOP. So, "c.addi x0, 4" is an illegal instruction and assembler should give an error.
Am I missing anything ?
Alex Rocha Prado