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Debuggin info for unused sections

?? While using -gc-sections to remove unused sections, the section is removed but the debug info in not removed.


int main()
? Return 0;
Int fun ()
? Return 0;

gcc -g3 -ffunction-sections a.c
readelf -wL a.out 


Line Number Statements:
? Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x400448
? Special opcode 6: advance Address by 0 to 0x400448 and Line by 1 to 2
? Special opcode 62: advance Address by 4 to 0x40044c and Line by 1 to 3
? Special opcode 76: advance Address by 5 to 0x400451 and Line by 1 to 4
? Advance PC by 2 to 0x400453
? Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence

? Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x400453
? Special opcode 11: advance Address by 0 to 0x400453 and Line by 6 to 7
? Special opcode 62: advance Address by 4 to 0x400457 and Line by 1 to 8
? Special opcode 76: advance Address by 5 to 0x40045c and Line by 1 to 9
? Advance PC by 2 to 0x40045e
? Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence

gcc -g3 -ffunction-sections -Wl,-gc-sections a.c
readelf -wL a.out

Line Number Statements:
? Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x4003f6
? Special opcode 6: advance Address by 0 to 0x4003f6 and Line by 1 to 2
? Special opcode 62: advance Address by 4 to 0x4003fa and Line by 1 to 3
? Special opcode 76: advance Address by 5 to 0x4003ff and Line by 1 to 4
? Advance PC by 2 to 0x400401
? Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence

? Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x0
? Special opcode 11: advance Address by 0 to 0x0 and Line by 6 to 7
? Special opcode 62: advance Address by 4 to 0x4 and Line by 1 to 8
? Special opcode 76: advance Address by 5 to 0x9 and Line by 1 to 9
? Advance PC by 2 to 0xb
? Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence

Is this expected? Can we completely remove the debug info for unused section?

Praveen Kaushik

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