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fix vxworks TLS sections

I've committed this patch to fix a problem with vxworks TLS sections. Vxworks uses a scheme similar to the emulated TLS scheme GCC uses where proper TLS is unavailable. I'd originally placed the initialization values in the read-only text segment, but this is incorrect because an initialization value may be the address of a global variable, and hence have a relocation. If that happens, the text segment is no longer read-only and in some alignment-specific cases, you can end up with only one loadable segment, rather than 2. The vxworks RTP loader dies in that case -- I guess I just got lucky with the original set of testcases I was using.

Anyway, this places it always in the data segment.

Nathan Sidwell    ::   ::         CodeSourcery

2009-10-29  Nathan Sidwell  <>

	* emulparams/ (OTHER_READONLY_SECTIONS): Move into ...

Index: emulparams/
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/ld/emulparams/,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -3 -p -r1.8
*** emulparams/	1 May 2009 15:23:42 -0000	1.8
--- emulparams/	29 Oct 2009 16:42:46 -0000
*************** FINI_START='_fini = .;
*** 22,28 ****
  FINI_END="KEEP (*(.fini\$99));
            PROVIDE (${SYMPREFIX}_etext = .);"
      __wrs_rtp_tls_data_start = .;
      ___wrs_rtp_tls_data_start = .;}
      *(.tls_data${RELOCATING+ .tls_data.*})
--- 22,28 ----
  FINI_END="KEEP (*(.fini\$99));
            PROVIDE (${SYMPREFIX}_etext = .);"
      __wrs_rtp_tls_data_start = .;
      ___wrs_rtp_tls_data_start = .;}
      *(.tls_data${RELOCATING+ .tls_data.*})
*************** OTHER_READONLY_SECTIONS=".tls_data ${REL
*** 30,38 ****
    __wrs_rtp_tls_data_size = . - __wrs_rtp_tls_data_start;
    ___wrs_rtp_tls_data_size = . - __wrs_rtp_tls_data_start;
    __wrs_rtp_tls_data_align = ALIGNOF(.tls_data);
!   ___wrs_rtp_tls_data_align = ALIGNOF(.tls_data);}"
      __wrs_rtp_tls_vars_start = .;
      ___wrs_rtp_tls_vars_start = .;}
      *(.tls_vars${RELOCATING+ .tls_vars.*})
--- 30,37 ----
    __wrs_rtp_tls_data_size = . - __wrs_rtp_tls_data_start;
    ___wrs_rtp_tls_data_size = . - __wrs_rtp_tls_data_start;
    __wrs_rtp_tls_data_align = ALIGNOF(.tls_data);
!   ___wrs_rtp_tls_data_align = ALIGNOF(.tls_data);}
!   .tls_vars ${RELOCATING-0} : {${RELOCATING+
      __wrs_rtp_tls_vars_start = .;
      ___wrs_rtp_tls_vars_start = .;}
      *(.tls_vars${RELOCATING+ .tls_vars.*})

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