org.jdom.IllegalDataException: The data " " is not legal for a JDOM character content: 0xc is not a legal XML character. at org.jdom.Text.setText(FryskGui) at org.jdom.Text.<init>(FryskGui) at org.jdom.Element.setText(FryskGui) at frysk.dom.DOMLine.<init>(FryskGui) at frysk.dom.DOMImage.addSource(FryskGui) at frysk.dom.DOMFactory.createDOM(FryskGui) at frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindow.generateProcStackTrace(FryskGui) at frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindow.finishSourceWin(FryskGui) at frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindow$LockObserver$ at org.gnu.glib.CustomEvents.runEvents( at org.gnu.gtk.Gtk.gtk_main( at org.gnu.gtk.Gtk.main( at frysk.gui.Gui.gui(FryskGui) at frysk.gui.FryskGui.main(FryskGui) Has to do with all the ^L (Form feed) characters in funit-child source code.
*** Bug 4535 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I fixed the problem of the CTRL L(Form Feed) character(x0c) in the source. I check the line for XML validity and if a line is found invalid all of the characters in the line are then checked and replaced with a space if an invalid character is found. The odd coloring got much better(about 98%+ accurate, but there is still an issues with that not related to the form feed problem. I will open another bug against that issue.