I tried to run the gdb testsuite, test-cases gdb.server/*.exp using host board local-remote-host-notty and noticed in the first test-case gdb.server/stop-reply-no-thread-multi.exp a silent timeout on: ... (gdb) kill^M (gdb) The program is not being run.^M ... I can reproduce this standalone using this command, which usually produces the expected: ... $ /usr/bin/ssh -l vries ~/gdb_versions/devel/gdb.sh -ex \"maint set target-non-stop off\" -ex kill The program is not being run. (gdb) q $ ... But sometimes: ... $ /usr/bin/ssh -l vries ~/gdb_versions/devel/gdb.sh -ex \"maint set target-non-stop off\" -ex kill (gdb) The program is not being run. q $ ...
Now also reproduced without -ex \"maint set target-non-stop off\".
hmm, this sounds a lot like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63238934/problems-with-ssh-buffering-of-stderr-without-tt
I think we should use ssh -t, like local-remote-host. The only mentioned difference between the two seems to be that editing is on in local-remote-host and off in local-remote-host-notty, and we can achieve this by adding -iex "set editing off" to GDBFLAGS.