With trunk as of 7006c5f3c49b92f066a8f415e87b35a5c2afd32c from xerces-c-3.2.3-6.fc36.i686.rpm $ abidw --abidiff /usr/lib64/libxerces-c-3.2.so Downloading from https://debuginfod.fedoraproject.org/ 5133994/14722016 Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 1 Changed, 0 Added function Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 1 function with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'method virtual int xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::compare(const XMLCh*, const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:49:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: Please note that the symbol of this function is _ZN11xercesc_3_230AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator7compareEPKDsS2_PNS_13MemoryManagerE and it aliases symbol: _ZN11xercesc_3_223AbstractStringValidator7compareEPKDsS2_PNS_13MemoryManagerE 'method virtual int xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::compare(const XMLCh*, const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*) {_ZN11xercesc_3_230AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator7compareEPKDsS2_PNS_13MemoryManagerE, _ZN11xercesc_3_223AbstractStringValidator7compareEPKDsS2_PNS_13MemoryManagerE}' now becomes 'method virtual int xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::compare(const XMLCh*, const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*) {_ZN11xercesc_3_230AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator7compareEPKDsS2_PNS_13MemoryManagerE, _ZN11xercesc_3_223AbstractStringValidator7compareEPKDsS2_PNS_13MemoryManagerE}' implicit parameter 0 of type 'xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator*' changed: in pointed to type 'class xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.hpp:29:1: type name changed from 'xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator' to 'xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator' type size hasn't changed 2 base class deletions: class xercesc_3_2::XMemory at XMemory.hpp:40:1 class xercesc_3_2::XSerializable at XSerializable.hpp:30:1 1 base class insertion: class xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator at DatatypeValidator.hpp:55:1 13 member function deletions: 'method virtual int xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::compare(const XMLCh*, const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*)' at DatatypeValidator.hpp:716:1, virtual at voffset 10/11 'method virtual const XMLCh* xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::getCanonicalRepresentation(const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*, bool) const' at DatatypeValidator.cpp:517:1, virtual at voffset 7/11 'method virtual const xercesc_3_2::RefArrayVectorOf<char16_t>* xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::getEnumString() const' at DatatypeValidator.hpp:171:1, virtual at voffset 6/11 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::XProtoType* xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::getProtoType() const' at DatatypeValidator.cpp:211:1, virtual at voffset 4/11 'method virtual bool xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::isAtomic() const' at DatatypeValidator.hpp:684:1, virtual at voffset 5/11 'method virtual bool xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::isSerializable() const' at DatatypeValidator.cpp:211:1, virtual at voffset 2/11 'method virtual bool xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::isSubstitutableBy(const xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator*)' at DatatypeValidator.hpp:727:1, virtual at voffset 9/11 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator* xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::newInstance(xercesc_3_2::RefHashTableOf<xercesc_3_2::KVStringPair, xercesc_3_2::StringHasher>*, xercesc_3_2::RefArrayVectorOf<char16_t>*, int, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*)' at DatatypeValidator.hpp:302:1, virtual at voffset 11/11 'method virtual void xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::serialize(xercesc_3_2::XSerializeEngine&)' at DatatypeValidator.cpp:213:1, virtual at voffset 3/11 'method virtual void xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::validate(const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::ValidationContext*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*)' at DatatypeValidator.hpp:253:1, virtual at voffset 8/11 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::~DatatypeValidator(int)' at DatatypeValidator.cpp:102:1 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::~DatatypeValidator(int)' at DatatypeValidator.cpp:102:1 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::~DatatypeValidator(int)' at DatatypeValidator.cpp:102:1 12 member function insertions: 'method virtual int xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::compare(const XMLCh*, const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:49:1, virtual at voffset 10/11 'method virtual const xercesc_3_2::RefArrayVectorOf<char16_t>* xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::getEnumString() const' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:77:1, virtual at voffset 6/11 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::XProtoType* xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::getProtoType() const' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:86:1, virtual at voffset 4/11 'method virtual bool xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::isAtomic() const' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.hpp:151:1, virtual at voffset 5/11 'method virtual bool xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::isSerializable() const' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:86:1, virtual at voffset 2/11 'method virtual bool xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::isSubstitutableBy(const xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator*)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.hpp:160:1, virtual at voffset 9/11 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator* xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::newInstance(xercesc_3_2::RefHashTableOf<xercesc_3_2::KVStringPair, xercesc_3_2::StringHasher>*, xercesc_3_2::RefArrayVectorOf<char16_t>*, int, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:59:1, virtual at voffset 11/11 'method virtual void xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::serialize(xercesc_3_2::XSerializeEngine&)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:88:1, virtual at voffset 3/11 'method virtual void xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::validate(const XMLCh*, xercesc_3_2::ValidationContext*, xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager*)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.hpp:166:1, virtual at voffset 8/11 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::~AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator(int)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:41:1 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::~AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator(int)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:41:1 'method virtual xercesc_3_2::AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator::~AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator(int)' at AnySimpleTypeDatatypeValidator.cpp:41:1 18 data member deletions: 'bool fAnonymous', at offset 64 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:520:1 'bool fFinite', at offset 72 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:521:1 'bool fBounded', at offset 80 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:522:1 'bool fNumeric', at offset 88 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:523:1 'short int fWhiteSpace', at offset 96 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:525:1 'int fFinalSet', at offset 128 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:526:1 'int fFacetsDefined', at offset 160 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:527:1 'int fFixed', at offset 192 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:528:1 'xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator::ValidatorType fType', at offset 224 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:530:1 'xercesc_3_2::XSSimpleTypeDefinition::ORDERING fOrdered', at offset 256 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:531:1 'xercesc_3_2::DatatypeValidator* fBaseValidator', at offset 320 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:533:1 'xercesc_3_2::RefHashTableOf<xercesc_3_2::KVStringPair, xercesc_3_2::StringHasher>* fFacets', at offset 384 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:534:1 'XMLCh* fPattern', at offset 448 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:535:1 'xercesc_3_2::RegularExpression* fRegex', at offset 512 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:536:1 'XMLCh* fTypeName', at offset 576 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:537:1 'const XMLCh* fTypeLocalName', at offset 640 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:538:1 'const XMLCh* fTypeUri', at offset 704 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:539:1 'xercesc_3_2::MemoryManager* fMemoryManager', at offset 768 (in bits) at DatatypeValidator.hpp:548:1 This looks very different than other issues I have seen with this point on the trunk.
This continues to happen with the latest trunk as of: 4cf16bdb
This also seems to affect wildmagic5 Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 9 Changed, 0 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 9 functions with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'method virtual Wm5::ConvexHull<double>::~ConvexHull(int)' at Wm5ConvexHull.h:24:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::ConvexHull<double>*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::ConvexHull<double>': type size changed from 384 to 0 (in bits) 1 member function deletion: 'method virtual Wm5::ConvexHull<double>::~ConvexHull(int)' at Wm5ConvexHull.cpp:32:1 no member function changes (2 filtered); [C] 'method virtual Wm5::ConvexHull<float>::~ConvexHull(int)' at Wm5ConvexHull.h:24:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::ConvexHull<float>*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::ConvexHull<float>': type size changed from 320 to 0 (in bits) 1 member function deletion: 'method virtual Wm5::ConvexHull<float>::~ConvexHull(int)' at Wm5ConvexHull.cpp:32:1 no member function changes (2 filtered); [C] 'method virtual Wm5::Delaunay<float>::~Delaunay(int)' at Wm5Delaunay.h:27:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::Delaunay<float>*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::Delaunay<float>': type size changed from 384 to 0 (in bits) 1 member function deletion: 'method virtual Wm5::Delaunay<float>::~Delaunay(int)' at Wm5Delaunay.cpp:33:1 no member function changes (2 filtered); [C] 'method virtual Wm5::Intersector<double, Wm5::Vector3<double> >::~Intersector(int)' at Wm5Intersector.h:24:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::Intersector<double, Wm5::Vector3<double> >*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::Intersector<double, Wm5::Vector3<double> >': type size changed from 192 to 0 (in bits) 4 member function deletions: 'method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<double, Wm5::Vector3<double> >::Find(double, const Wm5::Vector3<double>&, const Wm5::Vector3<double>&)' at Wm5Intersector.h:39:1, virtual at voffset 5/5 'method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<double, Wm5::Vector3<double> >::Test()' at Wm5Intersector.h:30:1, virtual at voffset 2/5 'method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<double, Wm5::Vector3<double> >::Test(double, const Wm5::Vector3<double>&, const Wm5::Vector3<double>&)' at Wm5Intersector.h:37:1, virtual at voffset 4/5 'method virtual Wm5::Intersector<double, Wm5::Vector3<double> >::~Intersector(int)' at Wm5Intersector.cpp:23:1 no member function changes (3 filtered); 1 data member deletion: 'int mIntersectionType', at offset 64 (in bits) at Wm5Intersector.h:64:1 [C] 'method virtual Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >::~Intersector(int)' at Wm5Intersector.h:24:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >': type size changed from 128 to 0 (in bits) 4 member function deletions: 'method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >::Find(float, const Wm5::Vector3<float>&, const Wm5::Vector3<float>&)' at Wm5Intersector.cpp:64:1, virtual at voffset 5/5 {_ZN3Wm511IntersectorIfNS_7Vector3IfEEE4FindEfRKS2_S5_} 'method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >::Test()' at Wm5Intersector.cpp:40:1, virtual at voffset 2/5 {_ZN3Wm511IntersectorIfNS_7Vector3IfEEE4TestEv} 'method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >::Test(float, const Wm5::Vector3<float>&, const Wm5::Vector3<float>&)' at Wm5Intersector.cpp:56:1, virtual at voffset 4/5 {_ZN3Wm511IntersectorIfNS_7Vector3IfEEE4TestEfRKS2_S5_} 'method virtual Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >::~Intersector(int)' at Wm5Intersector.cpp:23:1 1 member function changes (2 filtered): 'method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >::Find()' has some sub-type changes: method virtual bool Wm5::Intersector<float, Wm5::Vector3<float> >::Find() did have linkage names '_ZN3Wm511IntersectorIfNS_7Vector3IfEEE4FindEv' but it doesn't have any linkage name anymore 1 data member deletion: 'int mIntersectionType', at offset 64 (in bits) at Wm5Intersector.h:64:1 [C] 'method virtual Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>::~IntpBSplineUniform(int)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:25:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>': type size changed from 1280 to 0 (in bits) 5 member function deletions: 'method virtual void Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>::ComputeIntermediate()' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:65:1, virtual at voffset 5/5 'method virtual void Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>::EvaluateUnknownData()' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:64:1, virtual at voffset 4/5 'method virtual double Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>::operator()(double*)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:35:1, virtual at voffset 2/5 'method virtual double Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>::operator()(int*, double*)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:38:1, virtual at voffset 3/5 'method virtual Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<double>::~IntpBSplineUniform(int)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.cpp:145:1 no member function changes (2 filtered); 11 data member deletions: 'int mDims', at offset 64 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:41:1 'int mDp1', at offset 128 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:43:1 'int mDp1ToN', at offset 160 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:44:1 'int mDp1To2N', at offset 192 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:45:1 'int* mDim', at offset 256 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:46:1 'double* mDomMin', at offset 384 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:48:1 'double* mDomMax', at offset 448 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:49:1 'double* mCache', at offset 832 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:55:1 'double** mCoeff', at offset 1024 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:58:1 'double* mProduct', at offset 1088 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:59:1 'int* mSkip', at offset 1152 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:60:1 [C] 'method virtual Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>::~IntpBSplineUniform(int)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:25:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>': type size changed from 1280 to 0 (in bits) 5 member function deletions: 'method virtual void Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>::ComputeIntermediate()' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:65:1, virtual at voffset 5/5 'method virtual void Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>::EvaluateUnknownData()' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:64:1, virtual at voffset 4/5 'method virtual float Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>::operator()(float*)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:35:1, virtual at voffset 2/5 'method virtual float Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>::operator()(int*, float*)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:38:1, virtual at voffset 3/5 'method virtual Wm5::IntpBSplineUniform<float>::~IntpBSplineUniform(int)' at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.cpp:145:1 no member function changes (2 filtered); 11 data member deletions: 'int mDims', at offset 64 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:41:1 'int mDp1', at offset 128 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:43:1 'int mDp1ToN', at offset 160 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:44:1 'int mDp1To2N', at offset 192 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:45:1 'int* mDim', at offset 256 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:46:1 'float* mDomMin', at offset 384 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:48:1 'float* mDomMax', at offset 448 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:49:1 'float* mCache', at offset 832 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:55:1 'float** mCoeff', at offset 1024 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:58:1 'float* mProduct', at offset 1088 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:59:1 'int* mSkip', at offset 1152 (in bits) at Wm5IntpBSplineUniform.h:60:1 [C] 'method virtual Wm5::OdeSolver<double>::~OdeSolver(int)' at Wm5OdeSolver.h:33:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::OdeSolver<double>*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::OdeSolver<double>': type size changed from 384 to 0 (in bits) 3 member function deletions: 'method virtual void Wm5::OdeSolver<double>::SetStepSize(double)' at Wm5OdeSolver.h:36:1, virtual at voffset 3/3 'method virtual void Wm5::OdeSolver<double>::Update(double, double*, double&, double*)' at Wm5OdeSolver.h:35:1, virtual at voffset 2/3 'method virtual Wm5::OdeSolver<double>::~OdeSolver(int)' at Wm5OdeSolver.cpp:29:1 no member function changes (2 filtered); 1 data member deletion: 'double* mFValue', at offset 320 (in bits) at Wm5OdeSolver.h:46:1 [C] 'method virtual Wm5::OdeSolver<float>::~OdeSolver(int)' at Wm5OdeSolver.h:33:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'Wm5::OdeSolver<float>*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class Wm5::OdeSolver<float>': type size changed from 320 to 0 (in bits) 3 member function deletions: 'method virtual void Wm5::OdeSolver<float>::SetStepSize(float)' at Wm5OdeSolver.h:36:1, virtual at voffset 3/3 'method virtual void Wm5::OdeSolver<float>::Update(float, float*, float&, float*)' at Wm5OdeSolver.h:35:1, virtual at voffset 2/3 'method virtual Wm5::OdeSolver<float>::~OdeSolver(int)' at Wm5OdeSolver.cpp:29:1 no member function changes (2 filtered); 1 data member deletion: 'float* mFValue', at offset 256 (in bits) at Wm5OdeSolver.h:46:1
The prototype patch seems to fix the problem with xerces-c, qt-virt-manager diff --git a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc index 32a2cead..b71e94d7 100644 --- a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc +++ b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc @@ -14987,7 +14987,7 @@ build_function_decl(read_context& ctxt, result->set_symbol(fn_sym); string linkage_name = result->get_linkage_name(); if (linkage_name.empty() - || !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name)) + /*|| !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name)*/) result->set_linkage_name(fn_sym->get_name()); result->set_is_in_public_symbol_table(true); } However it didn't seem to fix the problem with recoll which I would have classified in the same problem. I'm really not sure if that means that recoll has a different problem or if the solution is incomplete. $ fedabipkgdiff --self-compare -a --from fc36 recoll <snip> ======== comparing'librecoll-1.31.6.so' to itself wrongly yielded result: =========== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 2 Changed (46 filtered out), 0 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 2 functions with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'method MimeHandlerExec::MimeHandlerExec(RclConfig*, const std::string&)' at mh_exec.cpp:64:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'MimeHandlerExec*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class MimeHandlerExec' at mh_exec.h:46:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class change: 'class RecollFilter' at mimehandler.h:31:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 10 member function insertions: 'method virtual void RecollFilter::set_docsize(int64_t)' at mimehandler.h:82:1, virtual at voffset 9/21 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_data(const std::string&, const char*, size_t)' at mimehandler.h:78:1, virtual at voffset 5/21 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_file(const std::string&, const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:68:1, virtual at voffset 7/21 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_string(const std::string&, const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:73:1, virtual at voffset 6/21 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_uri(const std::string&, const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:63:1, virtual at voffset 8/21 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_property(Dijon::Filter::__anonymous_enum__1, const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:44:1, virtual at voffset 4/21 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::skip_to_document(const std::string&)' at mimehandler.h:95:1, virtual at voffset 12/21 'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' at mimehandler.h:36:1 'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' at mimehandler.h:36:1 'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' at mimehandler.h:36:1 8 member function changes (7 filtered): 'method virtual RecollFilter::~RecollFilter(int)' has some sub-type changes: 'method virtual void RecollFilter::setConfig(RclConfig*)' has some sub-type changes: 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_property(Dijon::Filter::__anonymous_enum__1, const std::string&)' has some sub-type changes: 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_data(const std::string&, const char*, size_t)' has some sub-type changes: 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::set_document_string(const std::string&, const std::string&)' has some sub-type changes: 'method virtual void RecollFilter::set_docsize(int64_t)' has some sub-type changes: 'method virtual bool RecollFilter::skip_to_document(const std::string&)' has some sub-type changes: 'method virtual void RecollFilter::clear()' has some sub-type changes: no member function changes (7 filtered); [C] 'method virtual bool MimeHandlerExecMultiple::next_document()' at mh_execm.cpp:169:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'MimeHandlerExecMultiple*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class MimeHandlerExecMultiple' at mh_execm.h:98:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class change: 'class MimeHandlerExec' at mh_exec.h:46:1 changed: details were reported earlier 2 member function insertions: 'method virtual MimeHandlerExecMultiple::~MimeHandlerExecMultiple(int)' at mh_execm.h:109:1 'method virtual MimeHandlerExecMultiple::~MimeHandlerExecMultiple(int)' at mh_execm.h:109:1 no member function changes (5 filtered); ===SELF CHECK FAILED for 'librecoll-1.31.6.so' ==== SELF CHECK SUCCEEDED for 'recoll' ==== ==== SELF CHECK SUCCEEDED for 'recollindex' ==== ==== SELF CHECK SUCCEEDED for 'recollq' ==== Let me know if you want to close this one and have me file another one or if you want to address both issues in this one bug report
(In reply to Ben Woodard from comment #3) > The prototype patch seems to fix the problem with xerces-c, qt-virt-manager > > diff --git a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc > index 32a2cead..b71e94d7 100644 > --- a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc > +++ b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc > @@ -14987,7 +14987,7 @@ build_function_decl(read_context& ctxt, > result->set_symbol(fn_sym); > string linkage_name = result->get_linkage_name(); > if (linkage_name.empty() > - || !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name)) > + /*|| !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name)*/) > result->set_linkage_name(fn_sym->get_name()); > result->set_is_in_public_symbol_table(true); > } Cool!, thanks! I have thus applied the patch at https://sourceware.org/git/?p=libabigail.git;a=commit;h=e4c3d18aafbf94f48104f050cb1936a5e2ee5dcd. > However it didn't seem to fix the problem with recoll which I would have > classified in the same problem. I'm really not sure if that means that > recoll has a different problem or if the solution is incomplete. Hmmh, that issue (with the recoll package) seems to be different. Let me look into it. > Let me know if you want to close this one and have me file another one or if > you want to address both issues in this one bug report I'll look into it. If it needs to be qualified differently, I'll do it, thanks!
(In reply to dodji from comment #4) > (In reply to Ben Woodard from comment #3) > > The prototype patch seems to fix the problem with xerces-c, qt-virt-manager > > > > diff --git a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc > > index 32a2cead..b71e94d7 100644 > > --- a/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc > > +++ b/src/abg-dwarf-reader.cc > > @@ -14987,7 +14987,7 @@ build_function_decl(read_context& ctxt, > > result->set_symbol(fn_sym); > > string linkage_name = result->get_linkage_name(); > > if (linkage_name.empty() > > - || !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name)) > > + /*|| !fn_sym->get_alias_from_name(linkage_name)*/) > > result->set_linkage_name(fn_sym->get_name()); > > result->set_is_in_public_symbol_table(true); > > } > > Cool!, thanks! > > I have thus applied the patch at > https://sourceware.org/git/?p=libabigail.git;a=commit; > h=e4c3d18aafbf94f48104f050cb1936a5e2ee5dcd. > > > However it didn't seem to fix the problem with recoll which I would have > > classified in the same problem. I'm really not sure if that means that > > recoll has a different problem or if the solution is incomplete. > > Hmmh, that issue (with the recoll package) seems to be different. Let me > look into it. > > > Let me know if you want to close this one and have me file another one or if > > you want to address both issues in this one bug report > > I'll look into it. If it needs to be qualified differently, I'll do it, > thanks! OK, I have pushed a patch that should hopefully fix the recoll package issue. It's at https://sourceware.org/git/?p=libabigail.git;a=commit;h=2b8b8bc5a8868d3ab9eae487fa64b4d4374e5297. This should hopefully close this issue. Thanks!
I am re-opening this as I noticed that there is still an issue with the wildmagic5 package which appears to be a different issue. Oh well.
(In reply to dodji from comment #6) > I am re-opening this as I noticed that there is still an issue with the > wildmagic5 package which appears to be a different issue. Oh well. OK, with the patch https://sourceware.org/git/?p=libabigail.git;a=commit;h=5b3516a5e73b4dad4cd44de5bc7adca556cd2ae4, the issue with this particular package seems to be fixed. So I am closing this again.