All tests are encountering new Frysk exception - when Frysk Session manager window is closed I'm seeing this on FC5 with Frysk built from CVS on 20060712. When the test scripts close the session manager ("Frysk Startup Manager") window - this exceptionis displayed in a dialog: {frysk.proc.LinuxTask@4691d80,pid=14793,tid=14820,state=transitionToSyscallRunning} in state "transitionToSyscallRunning" did not handle handleAddObserver frysk.proc.State.unhandled(FryskGui) frysk.proc.TaskState.handleAddObserver(FryskGui) frysk.proc.Task.handleAddObserver(FryskGui) frysk.proc.TaskObservation.handleAdd(FryskGui) frysk.proc.ProcState$3.handleAddObservation(FryskGui) frysk.proc.Proc.handleAddObservation(FryskGui) frysk.proc.Proc$6.execute(FryskGui) frysk.event.EventLoop.runEventLoop(FryskGui) frysk.gui.Gui$
In the interim, I would remove the syscall observer, and continue with the tests as this error is caused by that observer. The syscall stuff is brand new, and still has some bugs to flush out. We'll look at the bug, and get it fixed.
*** Bug 2923 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Fix committed. Please test
Verified in Frysk as built from CVS 16:00 20060718.