AArch64 PAC support added AARCH64_DWARF_PAUTH_DMASK and AARCH64_DWARF_PAUTH_CMASK. These registers never made it in to a released version of "DWARF for the Arm 64-bit Architecture". They are not required, are not explicitly used by GDB and can safely be removed. Note that the cmask and dmask architecture registers are required. AARCH64_DWARF_PAUTH_RA_STATE is also required. To fix: *Remove defines for AARCH64_DWARF_PAUTH_DMASK and AARCH64_DWARF_PAUTH_CMASK. *Remove usage in aarch64_dwarf_reg_to_regnum() *Possibly correct usage of DWARF2_FRAME_REG_SAME_VALUE in aarch64_dwarf2_frame_init_reg() *Test with binaries compiled with PAC on a PAC enabled box. Leaving this code in is probably harmless, but it should be tidied up.
Unused code removed.