This may or may not have something to do with the cascading observers interface in the core. I have not determined that yet. To test: Run FryskGui Select a process in the process list, right click and add an observer (Fork maybe). Select the same process in the process list, right click and add another observers (Exec Maybe). A Frysk core dialog will popup showing the following: Frysk Core has reported the following errors {frysk.proc.LinuxProc@58c5140,pid=947,state=running} in state "running" did not handle handleAddTasksObserver frysk.proc.State.unhandled (FryskGui) frysk.proc.ProcState.handleAddTasksObserver (FryskGui) frysk.proc.Proc$8.execute (FryskGui) frysk.event.EventLoop.runEventLoop (FryskGui) (FryskGui) frysk.gui.Gui$ (FryskGui) (
The actual frysk-core call to add the observer is performed in frysk-gui/frysk/gui/monitor/observers/ at line 17.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2302 ***