Bug 22470 - Suggestion: Add Cyrillic "dD" and "nN" to yesexpr and noexpr respectively to every locale in Russia
Summary: Suggestion: Add Cyrillic "dD" and "nN" to yesexpr and noexpr respectively to ...
Alias: None
Product: glibc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: localedata (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Mike FABIAN
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-11-21 09:53 UTC by Rafal Luzynski
Modified: 2024-01-05 11:10 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Last reconfirmed:
fweimer: security-


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Description Rafal Luzynski 2017-11-21 09:53:40 UTC
Same as we have added "yY" and "nN" to yesexpr and noexpr in all locales (unless this is conflicting) because we assume that some people may be used to English language and involuntarily may press Y or N rather than their localized version, I suggest to add "дД" (Cyrillic "dD") and "нН" (Cyrillic "nN") to every local language of Russia, which means all *_RU locales.  Of course the same applies to every ru_* locale but most probably they already contain their proper characters.
Comment 1 Mike FABIAN 2024-01-05 10:27:59 UTC
I talked about this with a Russian friend. He didn‘t even like that the ru_RU locale has "дД"  and "нН" in the yesexpr and noexpr. He wrote:

> Especially funny is the fact, that the Cyrillic Н (нет=no) is usually on the same key as latin Y (yes=да) — so please never translate Y/N
Comment 2 Mike FABIAN 2024-01-05 10:39:26 UTC
In the ru_RU locale, "дД"  and "нН" have been there "forever" so I think I should better not touch it. But adding it to all other *_RU locales might cause more problems than it solves. 

Currently we have: 

mfabian@hathi:/local/mfabian/src/glibc/localedata/locales (master $%)
$ grep expr *_RU | glibc-locale-convert.py -u
ce_RU:yesexpr "^[+1yYДд]"
ce_RU:noexpr  "^[-0nNМм]"
cv_RU:yesexpr "^[+1yY]"
cv_RU:noexpr  "^[-0nN]"
mhr_RU:yesexpr "^[+1yYТт]"
mhr_RU:noexpr  "^[-0nNУу]"
os_RU:yesexpr "^[+1yYуУ]"
os_RU:noexpr  "^[-0nNнН]"
ru_RU:yesexpr "^[+1yYДд]"
ru_RU:noexpr  "^[-0nNНн]"
sah_RU:yesexpr "^[+1yYдДэЭ]"
sah_RU:noexpr "^[-0nNнНсС]"
tt_RU:yesexpr "^[+1yYәӘ]"
tt_RU:noexpr  "^[-0nNюЮ]"
mfabian@hathi:/local/mfabian/src/glibc/localedata/locales (master $%)
Comment 3 Mike FABIAN 2024-01-05 11:10:06 UTC
Closing as WORKSFORME because I think the current state is OK until users of these locales tell us otherwise.