This came up when comparing new vs. old version of TBB DSO. Here are relevant dwgrep dumps. First the old version: $ dwgrep ~/fedora/tbb/f21/tbb41_20130314oss/build/obj_release/ -e 'entry ?TAG_class_type (name == "filter") child (@AT_virtuality == DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual)' [...] [28e10] subprogram external (flag_present) true; name (strp) finalize; decl_file (data1) ../../include/tbb/pipeline.h; decl_line (data1) 169; linkage_name (strp) _ZN3tbb6filter8finalizeEPv; virtuality (data1) DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual; vtable_elem_location (exprloc) 0..0xffffffffffffffff:[0:constu<3>]; containing_type (ref4) [28be9]; accessibility (data1) DW_ACCESS_public; declaration (flag_present) true; object_pointer (ref4) [28e2c]; sibling (ref4) [28e37]; And the new version: $ dwgrep ~/fedora/tbb/master/tbb43_20141204oss/build/obj_release/ -e 'entry ?TAG_class_type (name == "filter") child (@AT_virtuality == DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual)' [...] [30c8a] subprogram external (flag_present) true; name (strp) finalize; decl_file (data1) ../../include/tbb/pipeline.h; decl_line (data1) 160; linkage_name (strp) _ZN3tbb6filter8finalizeEPv; virtuality (data1) DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual; vtable_elem_location (exprloc) 0..0xffffffffffffffff:[0:constu<3>]; containing_type (ref4) [30a63]; accessibility (data1) DW_ACCESS_public; declaration (flag_present) true; object_pointer (ref4) [30ca6]; sibling (ref4) [30cb1]; abidiff reports (among others) the following change: $ ./tools/abidiff ~/fedora/tbb/f21/tbb41_20130314oss/build/obj_release/ ~/fedora/tbb/master/tbb43_20141204oss/build/obj_release/ [C]'method void tbb::pipeline::add_filter(tbb::filter&)' has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'tbb::filter&' has sub-type changes: in referenced type 'class tbb::filter': 1 member function insertion: 'method virtual void tbb::filter::finalize(void*)', virtual at voffset 3/6
The files are here:
Thanks for filing this problem report. This issue should be fixed by commit;a=commit;h=f3344623d305 that landed in the master branch of the git repository. I am thus closing this report. Please feel free to re-open it if you are still experiencing the issue. Cheers!