The Taisho era runs from 1912/07/30 up to 1926/12/24. The era entry in glibc consists of two entries: "+:2:1913/01/01:1926/12/24:大正:%EC%Ey年" "+:2:1912/07/30:1912/12/31:大正:%EC" While the first entry is correct, the second entry appears to be incorrect. The offset value should be one, and the last entry, the definition of the %EY date format specifier, should be "%EC%Ey年", just like in the first entry.
Scratch that about the wrong %EY string. I just found that the %EY string in the second entry is actually correct (L"%EC\x5143\x5E74"). For some reason the `locale(1)' tool doesn't print the characters beyond the %EC in this single era entry. I tested with three different locale(1) tools from glibc-2.9, 2.10, and 2.11. All three show this weird behaviour. Still, the offset value in this era entry appears to be off by one. Corinna
You need to get the maintainer of the file to agree.
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