The AArch64 ABI is largely platform agnostic and does not specify _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[0] ([1]). glibc turns out to be probably the only user of _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[0] and GNU ld defines the value to the link-time address _DYNAMIC. [2] In 2012, __ehdr_start was implemented in GNU ld and gold. Using adrp+addr to access __ehdr_start/_DYNAMIC gives us a robust way to get the load address and the link-time address of _DYNAMIC. With _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[0] removed, my LLD linked glibc does not have more `make check` failures than GNU ld linked glibc. [1]: From a psABI maintainer, [2]: LLD's aarch64 port does not set _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[0] to the link-time address _DYNAMIC. LLD is widely used on aarch64 Android and ChromeOS devices. Software just works without the need for _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[0]. [PATCH] aarch64: Make elf_machine_{load_address, dynamic} robust [BZ #28203]
Fixed by;a=commit;h=43d06ed218fc8be58987bdfd00e21e5720f0b862