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Re: google summer of code

The guys at Nmap preferred to apply for "Feature Creepers and Bug
Wranglers" positions in order to have some students to work on lots of
small bugs instead of one big project. I also read that, this method
was pretty successful closing about 100 bugs in one summer. A similar
approach can be taken in order to reduce the bug count in
bugzilla(current 1365!, 52 of them for 6.8)

Another thing is, the coding begins on May 23 and according to the
release schedule gdb is planning its next release 15 days after that.
Those days might be rough for students assuming that the mentors will
be in a bug fixing/testing/documentation hurry and won't spend enough
time with their students. On the other hand(according to the release
schedule again), the students will have about 1 year after the summer
perfecting their implementations before the next-next(7.x?)
release(even though doing so is not obligatory).

Thiago > 3. Support pipes in the run command (this may be too small for a GSoC);

I'm planning to spend some nights on this before GSoC starts.

Tom > I already got email off-list about this one :)

Now you have an on-list one :)


2009/2/26 Thiago Jung Bauermann <>
> Hi,
> I was wondering whether we want to participate in the Google Summer of
> Code. The application period for mentoring organizations is from March 9
> until March 13th, so now is a good time to decide if it will be
> beneficial for us.
> I think two benefits that we get from the program are: 1. possibility of
> attracting new gdb developers and 2. a helping hand for features we want
> to develop.
> There are some disadvantages too. From what I read, the main problem is
> that mentoring a student takes some time and effort. From the GSoC
> Mentors Wiki:
> "However talented the students are who you may select, they will require
> significant attention from your developers, so release schedules and the
> desire of your community to be supportive are important considerations.
> Many organizations have found great rewards in mentoring, but most agree
> that they underestimated the amount of time that mentoring requires.
> As a potential administrator you should also consider that you will be
> responsible for getting reports and forms in to the GSoC website on
> time. You should make sure that your potential mentors realize that they
> will need to take time to evaluate students at the mid and final points
> of the 12 week period.
> Failure to meet the reporting requirements or mentoring requirements of
> GSoC is a serious infraction, and reflects poorly on your organization.
> If you have a big release coming out during the summer that will require
> all hands, you may wish to reconsider applying."
> We have some ideas for projects that a student could implement in:
> Some that may be worth considering for this:
> 1. Help with Python scripting support;
> 2. Help with reversible debugging (not sure if teawater and Michael need
> a helping hand there);
> 3. Support pipes in the run command (this may be too small for a GSoC);
> 4. Support tracepoints in gdbserver.
> There may be some wishlist bugs in the bugzilla that we could lump
> together with 3. to keep someone busy for the summer...
> Some pointers about the GSoC:
> Main page:
> FAQ:
> Mentors Wiki:
> --
> []'s
> Thiago Jung Bauermann
> IBM Linux Technology Center

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