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Re: Unable to install X on 64-bit Windows 7 Premium
On 8/10/2010 11:49 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
and since all does is run mkshortcut to create a start menu
shortcut, I'd guess this is the same issue as [1], assuming we don't
have a cygutils release with that fixed yet.
Right. As for the third problem (with libglade), the error output is
add command failed
could not open /etc/xml/catalog for saving
Took a peek and saw that /etc/xml had not been created. So I created
the directory and ran again, reduced the error output to
add command failed
and when I checked for /etc/xml/catalog is saw that it had been created,
but that it was empty. So I did some more googling, and found [1]. By
adding --create to the script (and first removing the empty
/etc/xml/catalog file) I was able to get the script to succeed.
Unsettling that the libglade problem still hasn't been fixed after
almost a couple of years, but at least I have (I think) "fixed" all
three of the problems reported by the installer.
As for the theories about the differences in results between Jim
Reisert's Win 7 Pro machine and my Win 7 Premium box: I did the rest of
my experimenting on a Win 7 Enterprise virtual machine, and ran into the
same problems as on Win 7 Premium. So I'm pretty confident the
different flavors of Win 7 had nothing to do with it. Much more likely
that setup ran into the same failures (silently) on Win 7 Pro because
the installation was done before setup was reporting the postinstall
script failures. I would guess that the new practice of putting up the
dialog window telling the new Cygwin user that his new installation will
not work correctly until he fixes all of the errors which occurred will
result in a decreased number of new users who are brave enough to
persevere with Cygwin, but an increase in the number of problems which
are actually reported and (let's hope) fixed. On balance, at least in
the long run, a worthy trade-off.
Thanks again for your assistance.
Bob Kline
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