Bug 8367 - [RFA] performance improvement of lookup_partial_symtab
Summary: [RFA] performance improvement of lookup_partial_symtab
Alias: None
Product: gdb
Classification: Unclassified
Component: symtab (show other bugs)
Version: unknown
: P3 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Not yet assigned to anyone
Keywords: performance
: 9264 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-06-26 17:38 UTC by Jerome Guitton
Modified: 2023-01-06 19:42 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Last reconfirmed:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jerome Guitton 2003-06-26 17:38:01 UTC
[Converted from Gnats 1262]

 Debugging an executable build with more than 3000 source files, it
 can take several seconds to GDB to output some source file information.
 A reproducer can be generated with the following script (It generated an
 Ada program):
 rm main.adb
 rm -rf many_files
 mkdir many_files
 for i in 0 1 2 3 ; do
    for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
       for k in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
          for l in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
 echo "with Pack_${i}${j}${k}${l}_Test;" >> main.adb
 echo "package Pack_${i}$j${k}${l}_Test is" \
 	>> many_files/pack_${i}${j}${k}${l}_test.ads
 echo "   pragma Pure;" \
 	>> many_files/pack_${i}${j}${k}${l}_test.ads
 echo "   Var_${i}$j${k}${l}_Test : constant String := \"${i}${j}${k}${l}\";" \
 	>> many_files/pack_${i}${j}${k}${l}_test.ads
 echo "end Pack_${i}$j${k}${l}_Test;" \
 	>> many_files/pack_${i}${j}${k}${l}_test.ads
 echo "procedure Main is" >> main.adb
 echo "begin" >> main.adb
 echo "   null;" >> main.adb
 echo "end Main;" >> main.adb
 Compiling with GNAT 3.16a, and debugging with gdb 5.3:
 (gdb) l /home/guitton/bug/C411-003/many_files/pack_0001_test.ads:2
 [after several seconds:]
 1       package Pack_0001_Test is
 2          pragma Pure;
 3          Var_0001_Test : constant String := "0001";
 4       end Pack_0001_Test;
 The culprit is lookup_partial_symtab, that may do a call
 to source_full_path_of for every file referenced. I suggest trying
 to avoid as much as possible this function call by doing some preliminary
 testing: if the basenames are not equal, no need to fetch the
 fullname and make the fullname comparison. With this modification
 GDB reacts almost instantly. 
 I have tested this patch against the testsuite on linux; no regression
 appeared. There seems to be no test using an absolute path, I can
 also propose one.
 Joel Brobecker volunteered to commit this path if/when it is approved.
 2003-05-26  J. Guitton <guitton@gnat.com>
         * symtab.c (lookup_partial_symbol): To improve the performance,
         try to avoid as much as possible to call source_full_path_of,
 	by doing some preliminary testing.
 Index: symtab.c
 RCS file: /cvs/src/src/gdb/symtab.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.109
 diff -c -r1.109 symtab.c
 *** symtab.c	20 May 2003 01:55:17 -0000	1.109
 --- symtab.c	10 Jun 2003 13:22:43 -0000
 *** 273,280 ****
       /* If the user gave us an absolute path, try to find the file in
 !        this symtab and use its absolute path.  */
 !     if (full_path != NULL)
   	if (pst->fullname == NULL)
   	  source_full_path_of (pst->filename, &pst->fullname);
 --- 273,283 ----
       /* If the user gave us an absolute path, try to find the file in
 !        this symtab and use its absolute path.  However, if the
 !        base names are different, the two files are different and there
 !        is no need to do a full comparison.  */
 !     if (full_path != NULL &&
 ! 	strcmp (lbasename (full_path), lbasename (pst->filename)) == 0)
   	if (pst->fullname == NULL)
   	  source_full_path_of (pst->filename, &pst->fullname);
 *** 285,291 ****
 !     if (real_path != NULL)
           char *rp = NULL;
   	if (pst->fullname == NULL)
 --- 288,295 ----
 !     if (real_path != NULL &&
 ! 	strcmp (lbasename (real_path), lbasename (pst->filename)) == 0)
           char *rp = NULL;
   	if (pst->fullname == NULL)

Comment 1 Tom Tromey 2009-01-05 19:39:18 UTC
*** Bug 9264 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Sourceware Commits 2011-12-14 16:06:16 UTC
CVSROOT:	/cvs/src
Module name:	src
Changes by:	devans@sourceware.org	2011-12-14 16:06:01

Modified files:
	gdb            : ChangeLog 

Log message:
	Add PR gdb/8367 to basenames-may-differ patch.

Comment 3 Sourceware Commits 2011-12-14 16:08:45 UTC
CVSROOT:	/cvs/src
Module name:	src
Branch: 	gdb_7_4-branch
Changes by:	devans@sourceware.org	2011-12-14 16:08:37

Modified files:
	gdb            : ChangeLog 

Log message:
	Add PR gdb/8367 to basenames-may-differ patch.

Comment 4 Tom Tromey 2023-01-06 19:42:17 UTC
Note to self, to compile you must use:

$ gnatmake -g main -aImany_files

With git master this is very quick:

(gdb) maint time 1
(gdb) list /home/tromey/gdb/PRs/pr8367-basenames/many_files/pack_0001_test.ads:22023-01-06 12:40:09.325 - command started
1	package Pack_0001_Test is
2	   pragma Pure;
3	   Var_0001_Test : constant String := "0001";
4	end Pack_0001_Test;
2023-01-06 12:40:09.359 - command finished
Command execution time: 0.034019 (cpu), 0.034398 (wall)

So I think this is fixed.