Bug 4585 - Trying to enable menory window on x86_64 causing frysk + app hang when stopping execution
Summary: Trying to enable menory window on x86_64 causing frysk + app hang when stoppi...
Alias: None
Product: frysk
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 critical
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kris Van Hees
Depends on:
Blocks: 4584
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Reported: 2007-06-02 03:49 UTC by Kris Van Hees
Modified: 2007-06-21 02:12 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Kris Van Hees 2007-06-02 03:49:51 UTC
1. Have a tail -f <somefile> running in a terminal - it sits waiting for data
2. Start FryskGui
3. Start a debugger session for that tail process
4. Select View->Memory Window (won't come up - see Bugzilla #4584)
5. Select 'Continue Execution' icon
6. Select 'Stop Execution' icon

... and the window gets all shaded, nothing is useable (or responsive).  Cannot
Ctrl-C FryskGui, cannot Ctrl-C the tail process.  However, Ctrl-Z + kill does
work to get rid of FryskGui (and releases the hang of the tail of course).
Comment 1 Kris Van Hees 2007-06-20 18:17:11 UTC
Moving this back to 'critical'.  Given that it causes frysk to hang, I consider
it a critical problem that needs fairly urgent attention.

I'm assigning it to myself, since I'll be committing the fix for this.

Please leave it at 'critical'.
Comment 2 Andrew Cagney 2007-06-20 18:47:29 UTC
Kris, the critical field is not used by frysk.
I appreciate your efforts to getting it fixed.
Comment 3 Kris Van Hees 2007-06-21 02:11:46 UTC
I would appreciate it if you would actually talk to me before changing
significant fields on a bugzilla ticket.  The conclusion of our much-too-lengthy
discussion on #frysk was *not* that you could just change the severity on this
ticket at your whim.  Perhaps frysk does not use 'critical' but I do.  For your
information, there is no rule to be found on the frysk bugzilla FAQ concerning
not being allowed to use 'critical'.

Until e.g. http://sourceware.org/frysk/bugzilla/index.html#faq states the rules
you desire to dictate upon developers in how to use bugzilla, I would appreciate
it if you would respect people's way of working with bugzilla.

This was in my book a critical bug and given that it was reported by me,
assigned to me, worked on by me, and resolved by me, I do believe I have the
right (at this point in time) to make a decision about whether I consider this
bug critical or not.
Comment 4 Kris Van Hees 2007-06-21 02:12:30 UTC
2007-06-20  Kris Van Hees  <kris.van.hees@oracle.com>

        * memory/MemoryWindow.java (setTask, resetTask): Set the valid range
        of the fromSpin and toSpin buttons from 0 to the highest address for
        the task's ISA (2^wordsize - 1).
        * disassembler/DisassemblyWindow.java (setTask, resetTask): Set the
        valid range of the fromSpin and toSpin buttons from 0 to the highest
        address for the task's ISA (2^wordsize - 1).