Bug 3479 - Incorrect rounding in strtod()
Summary: Incorrect rounding in strtod()
Alias: None
Product: glibc
Classification: Unclassified
Component: libc (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Joseph Myers
: 11877 14046 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-11-07 17:20 UTC by Michel Hack
Modified: 2016-05-08 14:10 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Last reconfirmed:
fweimer: security-

bz3479.c (1.25 KB, text/plain)
2007-02-12 17:04 UTC, Jakub Jelinek

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Michel Hack 2006-11-07 17:20:25 UTC
There is a subtle rounding error in decimal_string->BFP conversion
(e.g. strtod()) for values that are equal to, or very close to, 
half-way points, i.e. sufficiently-long prefixes of the exact decimal
representation of a binary half-way point.
An example is strtod(" 3.518437208883201171875E+013 ") which truncates
to the odd 0x42c0000000000001 when in fact default IEEE rounding should
have rounded up to 0x42c0000000000002 (nearest-ties-to-even).
In fact, strtod only looks at the first 20 digits (well, it scans the
others for validity), so that strtod(" 3.518437208883201171999E+013 "
also rounds down, even though it is definitely above the half-way point.
Indeed, with an extended fraction this would be
 JL16'+3.518437208883201171999E+013' =  42C00000 00000001 800A66E1 358F83EC
(This is the output of the IBM Research experimental assembler Phantasm,
for which I wrote the conversion routines ten years ago.)
The first number to round up correctly is "3.518437208883201172000E+013".
* (I hope a fixed-width font is used here)  ....:....1....:....2....:....3
Here is the broken part of strtod.c -- the comment is simply wrong in
the case of exact half-way numbers, where all digits are significant
in order to determine which way to round!
     /* For the fractional part we need not process too many digits.  One
        decimal digits gives us log_2(10) ~ 3.32 bits.  If we now compute
                         ceil(BITS / 3) =: N
        digits we should have enough bits for the result.  The remaining
        decimal digits give us the information that more bits are following.
        This can be used while rounding.  (One added as a safety margin.)  */
     if (dig_no - int_no > (MANT_DIG - bits + 2) / 3 + 1)
         dig_no = int_no + (MANT_DIG - bits + 2) / 3 + 1;
         more_bits = 1;
       more_bits = 0;

 The basic idea of limiting the number of decimal digits that need to
participate in conversion arithmetic is a good one, btw; it's just that
the limit picked by strtod() is too small and does not take the exponent
into account.
As many digits as it takes to represent a binary halfway point exactly
must be processed.  The worst case is 752 digits for double, for numbers
near Nmin/2.  If the binary exponent is known at this point (I think it
is, based on quick code browsing), the max can be computed.  I enclose
the comments from my own conversion program:
*     When the normalised binary exponent B exceeds the frac-
*     tion length F (in bits), the length of an exact decimal
*     represention is .3 B digits, otherwise (e.g. negative B)
*     it is (F + .7 B) digits (or (F-B) + .3 B).  We need to
*     detect exact half-way points, so we need to consider F+1
*     instead of the F derived from the format.
(Here .3 and .7 are short for log10(2) and log10(5) of course.)
Comment 1 John Salmon 2007-02-04 19:37:11 UTC
I just encountered something very similar.  I started looking at C++
operator>>, which led me to scanf, which led me to strtof.  It appears
that glibc's strtof doesn't adhere to the "Recommended Practice" of
section and of C99.  I see numerous FAILs in the
attached code with strtof.  I haven't seen any problems with strtod,
but I haven't done exhaustive tests.  Platforms:

  Opteron, Centos, glibc-2.3.4-2, gcc-4.1.1
  Pentium 4, Fedora, glibc-2.3.3-27.1, gcc-3.3.3-7

I have not tested against glibc's CVS, but even if it passes, I would
suggest that something like the tests here belong in the test suite.

The recommended practice for literal floating constants in is:

     The translation-time conversion of floating constants should
     match the execution-time conversion of character strings by library
     functions, such as strtod, given matching inputs suitable for both
     conversions, the same result format, and default execution-time

     63) The specification for the library functions
     recommends more accurate conversion than required for floating
     constants (see

The attached code checks this condition.  It's *much* easier to check
this than to check the more detailed requirement of  As a
result, the code doesn't actually prove that glibc is in error.  It's
possible that gcc's handling of literal floats is in error.  

The recommended practice for strto* in is:

     If the subject sequence has the decimal form and at most
     DECIMAL_DIG (defined in <float.h>) significant digits, the result
     should be correctly rounded. If the subject sequence D has the
     decimal form and more than DECIMAL_DIG significant digits,
     consider the two bounding, adjacent decimal strings L and U, both
     having DECIMAL_DIG significant digits, such that the values of L,
     D, and U satisfy L <= D <= U. The result should be one of the
     (equal or adjacent) values that would be obtained by correctly
     rounding L and U according to the current rounding direction,
     with the extra stipulation that the error with respect to D
     should have a correct sign for the current rounding direction.

The decimal strings in the attached test case are all less than or
equal to DECIMAL_DIG in length.

A close look at the output suggests that glibc is in error, at least
if one believes the output of printf("%.30g").  For example, for the
first FAIL:

The input string is:
The possible neighboring floats are:
"1.00000011920928955078125000000"  (printf("%.30g", 1 + FLT_EPSILON))

According to dc, the distance from the input to 1+FLT_EPSILON is:
and the distance from the input to 1.0 is

so 1+FLT_EPSILON should be the "correct" properly rounded result.
strtof returns 1.0.


[jsalmon@river lexical_cast]$ cat badstrtod2.c
#define _ISOC99_SOURCE_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>

void checkf(const char *s, float f){
    float cf = strtof(s, NULL);
    long double cld = strtold(s, NULL);

    if( cf != f ){
	printf("FAIL strtof (\"%s\") %a is not the same as literal %a\n",
	       s, cf, f);
	printf("OK   strtof (\"%s\") %a is the same as literal\n",
	       s, cf);

void checkd(const char *s, double d){
    double cd = strtod(s, NULL);
    if( cd != d ){
	printf("FAIL strtod (\"%s\") %a is not the same as literal %a\n",
	       s, cd, d);
	printf("OK   strtod (\"%s\") %a is the same as literal\n",
	       s, cd);

int main(int argc, char **argv){
    long double ld;

    /* Put some context in the output.  These are not used for testing */
    ld = 1.L + (long double)FLT_EPSILON;
    printf("1 + FLT_EPSILON: %La %#.30Lg\n", ld, ld);
    ld = 1.L + ((long double)FLT_EPSILON)/2.;
    printf("1 + FLT_EPSILON/2.: %La %#.30Lg\n", ld, ld);
    ld = 1.L + ((long double)FLT_EPSILON)/2. + LDBL_EPSILON;
    printf("1 + FLT_EPSILON/2. + LDBL_EPSILON: %La %#.30Lg\n", ld, ld);

#define CHKF(s) checkf(#s, s##f);
    /* 1 + FLT_EPSILON/2. + LDBL_EPSILON */

    ld = 1.L + (long double)DBL_EPSILON;
    printf("1 + DBL_EPSILON: %La %#.30Lg\n", ld, ld);
    ld = 1.L + ((long double)DBL_EPSILON)/2.;
    printf("1 + DBL_EPSILON/2.: %La %#.30Lg\n", ld, ld);
    ld = 1.L + ((long double)DBL_EPSILON)/2. + LDBL_EPSILON;
    printf("1 + DBL_EPSILON/2. + LDBL_EPSILON: %La %#.30Lg\n", ld, ld);

#define CHKD(s) checkd(#s, s);

    return 0;
[jsalmon@river lexical_cast]$ 
[jsalmon@river lexical_cast]$ gcc -g -std=c99  badstrtod2.c -lm -o badstrtod2 &&
1 + FLT_EPSILON: 0x8.00001p-3 1.00000011920928955078125000000
1 + FLT_EPSILON/2.: 0x8.000008p-3 1.00000005960464477539062500000
1 + FLT_EPSILON/2. + LDBL_EPSILON: 0x8.000008000000001p-3
FAIL strtof ("1.00000005960464477550") 0x1p+0 is not the same as literal
FAIL strtof ("1.0000000596046447755") 0x1p+0 is not the same as literal
FAIL strtof ("1.000000059604644776") 0x1p+0 is not the same as literal 0x1.000002p+0
OK   strtof ("1.000000059604644775") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
FAIL strtof ("1.00000005960464478") 0x1p+0 is not the same as literal 0x1.000002p+0
FAIL strtof ("1.0000000596046448") 0x1p+0 is not the same as literal 0x1.000002p+0
FAIL strtof ("1.000000059604645") 0x1p+0 is not the same as literal 0x1.000002p+0
OK   strtof ("1.00000005960464") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtof ("1.0000000596046") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
FAIL strtof ("1.000000059605") 0x1p+0 is not the same as literal 0x1.000002p+0
OK   strtof ("1.00000005960") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtof ("1.0000000596") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtof ("1.000000060") 0x1.000002p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtof ("1.00000006") 0x1.000002p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtof ("1.0000001") 0x1.000002p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtof ("1.000000") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
1 + DBL_EPSILON: 0x8.0000000000008p-3 1.00000000000000022204460492503
1 + DBL_EPSILON/2.: 0x8.0000000000004p-3 1.00000000000000011102230246252
1 + DBL_EPSILON/2. + LDBL_EPSILON: 0x8.000000000000401p-3
OK   strtod ("1.00000000000000011113") 0x1.0000000000001p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtod ("1.00000000000000011103") 0x1.0000000000001p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtod ("1.00000000000000011102") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtod ("1.00000000000000011101") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtod ("1.0000000000000001111") 0x1.0000000000001p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtod ("1.000000000000000111") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtod ("1.00000000000000011") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
OK   strtod ("1.0000000000000001") 0x1p+0 is the same as literal
[jsalmon@river lexical_cast]$ 
Comment 2 jsm-csl@polyomino.org.uk 2007-02-05 16:48:13 UTC
Subject: Re:  Incorrect rounding in strtod()

On Sun, 4 Feb 2007, john at thesalmons dot org wrote:

> The attached code checks this condition.  It's *much* easier to check
> this than to check the more detailed requirement of  As a
> result, the code doesn't actually prove that glibc is in error.  It's
> possible that gcc's handling of literal floats is in error.  

We know GCC's handling of floating-point literals doesn't always get the 
last bit rounded correctly, but showing this requires specially chosen 
examples (that I could only find for IEEE quad long double).  So the cases 
here probably don't result from a GCC bug - but it might still be wise to 
write such tests so that GCC only needs parse a hex float value, so as to 
disentangle the glibc and GCC issues.


Comment 3 Michel Hack 2007-02-05 18:31:51 UTC
There are two issues here:  compile-time and run-time match, and correct rounding.

The second issue is one way to achieve the first:  if both environments round
correctly all given digits, the results will match no matter how this is
implemented.  A more common approach is to reuire the use of the same library
routine in both environments -- but that is difficult to guarantee as libraries
evolve, possibly in the direction of supporting more correctly-rounded digits.

Another method is to legislate some imperfect method, e.g. first round (in
decimal) to some standard number of digits, then convert that with correct
rounding to the target binary format.  

It looks like gcc took the first approach (using gmp as its high-precision
engine), but has a simple bug: an invalid shortcut that fails for numbers that
are very close to a rounding threshold, as is John's example.

My program PHL converts to various precisions; K=Binary128, J=Binary64 (aka
double), and I=Binary32 (aka float); the L modifier overrides the natural length
of the format, and I use it show bits way beyond the rounding point.  The number
is indeed slightly larger than a half-way float, but it takes extended precision
to see it; 10-byte Intel long double (a format that I don't support directly)
looks like it would just show one non-zero tail bit.

The input string is:
PHL K    1.00000005960464477550= *  3FFF0000 01000000 00020482 42F2FF67
PHL J    1.00000005960464477550= *  3FF00000 10000000
PHL JL16 1.00000005960464477550= *  3FF00000 10000000 00204824 2F2FF66C
PHL IL16 1.00000005960464477550= *  3F800000 80000000 01024121 797FB363
PHL IL8  1.00000005960464477550= *  3F800000 80000000
PHL I    1.00000005960464477550= *  3F800001

Btw, such numbers can be generated (for any precision) by using Continued
Fraction expansions of ratios of powers of two and five.

Comment 4 John Salmon 2007-02-05 21:54:35 UTC
I was not sufficiently clear in Comment #2.

The fact that the code prints FAIL in certain cases does not demonstrate whether
gcc's literal parser or glibc's strtof is faulty.  It only proves that (at
least) one of them is failing to adhere to "Recommended Practice" which says
they should be the same.

HOWEVER, careful inspection of the output, as well as knowledge of how the
particular test case was chosen makes it pretty clear that *for this case* gcc
is doing the right thing and strtof is at fault.  gcc's rounding may not be
perfect, but that's not at issue here.

The input, "1.00000005960464477550" is the result of printf("%.21g", x)
where x = 1 + FLT_EPSILON/2 + LDBL_EPSILON.  I.e., it is specifically
constructed to be *just a little bit larger* than the mid-point between two
representable floats.  Correct rounding should be to the larger of the two
nearby floats, i.e., 1+FLT_EPSILON.  gcc correctly constructs the literal
0x1.00002p0.  strof incorrectly returns the value 1.0p0.
Comment 5 Jakub Jelinek 2007-02-12 17:04:18 UTC
Created attachment 1550 [details]

It seems that both GCC and glibc are buggy, even on floats.
Comment 6 Sylvain Pion 2009-07-15 14:58:56 UTC
Besides the "Recommended practice" mentioned, Annex F on IEC 60559
floating-point arithmetic, also says :

  "Functions such as strtod that convert character sequences to floating
   types must honor the rounding direction."

It seems like glibc does not honor this, as the following program
illustrates by crashing (on x86_64-linux at least).

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fenv.h>

int main()
	double d = strtod("0.3", (char**) NULL);
	double e = strtod("0.3", (char**) NULL);
	assert(d != e);
Comment 7 Vincent Lefèvre 2009-07-15 15:50:16 UTC
The fact that the rounding direction is not taken into account could be seen as
a different bug. Concerning printf, see bug 5044.
Comment 8 Sylvain Pion 2009-07-15 16:21:12 UTC
I agree, and I also wondered about this before posting my comment, but I decided
to leave this up to the bug database maintainers to eventually split it, as they
are so close and I am not familiar with the local policy.

Nevertheless, there is also a closely related point in my comment, which is that
in default rounding mode (to nearest), the Annex F says that the rounding should
be done to the nearest.  And I understand that this applies to *all input*, so
it seems to me that this supersedes the "recommended practice" paragraph which
restricts the application to only some input (those with less significant digits
Comment 9 Rick Regan 2010-06-04 01:02:29 UTC
Regarding the example 3.518437208883201171875e+013, I think you can see what's
going on better by looking at its value in "pure" binary:


It has 54 significant bits, with bit 54 equal to 1 -- a halfway case. Since bit
53 is also 1, it should round up to 


I've written an article describing this and other examples of incorrectly
rounded conversions:
http://www.exploringbinary.com/incorrectly-rounded-conversions-in-gcc-and-glibc/ .
Comment 10 Rick Regan 2010-06-04 01:03:32 UTC
Regarding the example 3.518437208883201171875e+013, I think you can see what's
going on better by looking at its value in "pure" binary:


It has 54 significant bits, with bit 54 equal to 1 -- a halfway case. Since bit
53 is also 1, it should round up to 


I've written an article describing this and other examples of incorrectly
rounded conversions:
http://www.exploringbinary.com/incorrectly-rounded-conversions-in-gcc-and-glibc/ .
Comment 11 Andreas Schwab 2010-09-02 16:24:38 UTC
*** Bug 11877 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 M Welinder 2011-11-12 16:10:41 UTC
Is there any reason not to fix this by removing the limit on digits
considered?  Or by upping it to (say) the maximum binary exponent?
Comment 13 Joseph Myers 2012-05-02 10:00:53 UTC
*** Bug 14046 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Rich Felker 2012-05-02 15:22:54 UTC
Doing this correctly in the naive way requires some expensive extended-precision arithmetic. I think one (possibly) less expensive solution can be found in John Salmon's citation of the recommended practice. If you compute the result based on DECIMAL_DIG digits in the existing manner, but do it for BOTH the neighboring values L and U. If the results for L and U are equal, you're done. If not, you have to determine which of the two D is closer to (for default rounding mode; other rounding modes are much easier) and this probably involves converting at least one of them back to decimal, which might cost you more than just doing the full-precision original calculation...
Comment 15 Florian Loitsch 2012-05-02 16:00:15 UTC
The double-conversion routines extracted from v8 (Chrome's JS engine) are pretty fast and handle corner cases correctly:

It would probably require some engineering effort to translate the code from C++ to C and to adapt it to all of libc's requirements (for example the library always rounds to even), but it might serve as a decent starting-point.
Another hurdle might be the requirement for a cache of precomputed 64bit values. However, some size could probably be traded against speed.
Comment 16 jsm-csl@polyomino.org.uk 2012-05-02 16:52:57 UTC
I expect that simply using the existing GMP-based code but with a correct 
calculation of how many digits need considering would suffice to fix the 
present problem.  Rounding according to the current rounding mode is a 
separate issue that really ought to have its own bug.
Comment 17 Joseph Myers 2012-08-10 23:40:28 UTC
Working on a patch (for the bad results for round-to-nearest, that is; not the lack of rounding mode support in strtod etc. which should have a separate bug filed).
Comment 18 Joseph Myers 2012-08-25 15:27:40 UTC
I've filed bug 14518 for the issue (comment 6) with non-default rounding modes being ignored.
Comment 19 Florian Loitsch 2012-08-25 15:29:20 UTC
I'm on vacation, returning August 29.
Comment 20 Joseph Myers 2012-08-27 16:12:54 UTC
Fixed for 2.17 by:

commit af92131a8eb7c2661a5bb0e31dc4cb028c85e0c6
Author: Joseph Myers <joseph@codesourcery.com>
Date:   Mon Aug 27 16:01:27 2012 +0000

    Fix strtod rounding (bug 3479).
Comment 22 Jackie Rosen 2014-02-16 16:56:59 UTC Comment hidden (spam)