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Get Involved


Sign up for the mailing list here.

Join the Systemtap discussion at #systemtap on

Please report suspected security vulnerabilities confidentially via email to; they can relay to the team.

Try It Out

If you are running recent Fedora, you can install systemtap and its dependencies with

yum install systemtap kernel-devel yum-utils
debuginfo-install kernel

To build and install the latest sources, follow the these directions. Your choice of sources:

  • Recent releases here.
  • git clone git:// (or (or as last resort which may not be up to date)
  • Browse the gitweb viewer

Once installed, try these little scripts:

# stap -ve 'probe begin { log("hello world") exit () }'
# stap -c df -e 'probe syscall.* { if (target()==pid()) log(name." ".argstr) }'


We welcome people to use, critique, test, document, and develop systemtap. We try to make it easy with minimal legal bureaucracy or process constriction; one should read the HACKING file for details on contributing to systemtap. Regular contributors may earn GIT write accounts to directly commit their code. Here is our list of current bugs/pending features. You may need to create a new bugzilla account to fully participate.