8.2. The publican.cfg file

Below are some parameters that can be configure in the publican.cfg file for Drupal import:


specfies the author who should be shown in drupal book page. The name must be a valid Drupal username. 'Redhat' is the default author. Set this parameter in the publican.cfg file to override it.

Important — Setting Author

The author must have permission to manage (create, update, delete) nodes in Drupal. If the default author is used, make sure you had created an account with username 'Redhat' in Drupal.


override the bookname that will be shown in the Drupal menu. If nothing is set, publican will use the default value which is "$product $version $docname". For example, Publican 3.1 User_Guide.


specfies which menu block the book should show in Drupal. The default value is "user-guide".

Important — Setting menu block

The menu block must exist in Drupal. For more information about adding a menu block in Drupal. Please refer to Section 8.3.1, “How to add a menu block”.


specfies the directory where the images should be stored in drupal server. The default value is "sites/default/files/".