[Xconq-general] Re: New Xconq Prerelease

Andreas Bringedal anbring@online.no
Sun Nov 28 23:43:00 GMT 2004

>Right now, your Windows download appears at the _top_ above all the other files; all that a Windows illiterate must do is see the 
>"SETUP.exe". How hard is that?

Not hard but I'm a bit gobble allergic.

> But, I agree that the download screen looks cluttered. Blame Sourceforge; don't blame me. Why don't you submit a feature request 
> to the Sourceforge people?
>   http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=1&atid=350001

Good idea.  I'll look into it.

PS is there any plans for improving the gameplay mechanisms for Xconq?  I have some few problems with it.  The way Civilization 
handles units is imo quite easier.

What if the relatively large window on the right had of the screen(that lists the unit types) were made into a city/transport view 
of occupied units it would make it far easier to play I think.  I don't have a need for that window much and therefore it would be a 
much better use for it the way I play(...).   Maybe when you're not viewing a unit then the current display of produced units could 
be displayed?  Also if you have a special order to fire at a specific unit in a transport/city then it would be easy if the 
transport/city content were displayed in that window and allowed to to click on the units there.  Then the microscopic display on 
the mapboard could be removed which would clean up the map and play enormously. A number in the corner of a city equal to the number 
of units in it would be enough to show the player where his units are, when he can click on the city and get the city overview in 
the sidewindow.

Then there is the map movement.  Maybe I'm not doing it right but when I move the mouse around I get these tiny map moves each time 
the mouse moves across the map border.  Could that be removed and replaced with around 8 arrow buttons(8 directions) which moves the 
map window half a map window length per click?  A ninth centre button could centre on the unit and it could all be keyed to the 

It would also be nice to have the two pull down meny that's called 'Play' and 'More' to be called 'Unit Orders' or just 'Orders' 
instead.  It would be far more intuitive. I believe civ 1 was such a huge success because the game was nearly entirely intuitive.

Well, it's easy to ask for features.  It hardly cost me any calories :-)


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