Table Request: Accident-Occupant-Effect

Elijah Meeks
Thu Sep 23 01:40:00 GMT 2004

Not really related to GIS, well, maybe a little, it
does kind of involve terrain...

So in the current system, the accident-hit-chance
affects all units in a terrain, except occupants.  It
makes sense when we think of these accidents to be
terrain-related, but I've used the table as a random
monster generator (In Opal) and now I want to use it
to simulate starship crews trying to get their systems
on-line.  Here's how it works:

In battles.g, occupants represent ships' systems.  So
your Enterprise Class unit has Phaser Bank units,
Photon Torpedo Launcher units, Shields units, et
cetera.  It works pretty well.

But now I'm writing a Wrath of Khan scenario, and I'm
trying to represent the Enterprise being caught
off-guard by the Reliant.  I tried to manually set acp
using '(acp 0)' or '(acp -2)' but it looks like this
is only accounted for in saved games (.xcq).  So I
built more units (Surprise) all of them being
'Offline' versions of the various systems.  If hit,
they're immediately knocked out, but of course the
crew's trying to get them on-line as soon as possible,
so I figured if I set:

(table accident-hit-chance 
   (offline-systems-types t* 2500)


(table accident-damage
   (offline-systems-types t* 9999)

and set the wrecked-type to their working equivelent,
then I'd see a 25% chance per turn that the systems
would come on-line.  The player, of course, would be
frantically trying to maneuver out of range, waiting
for his shields to come up or phasers to come on-line
(And, of course, use the Command Prefix Code unit to
do the same to the Reliant).  It sounds like fun.

Only accidents don't affect occupants.  So, if anyone
can think of a better solution to this problem, let me
know, otherwise, if somebody in the know gets the
chance, I think it's worthwhile to see accidents
affect occupants.


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