Transport bugs

Brian Dunn
Sun Jan 4 14:56:00 GMT 2004

Greetings.  I've signed up to mention some interesting bugs in an otherwise great program:

Daily CVS build.  Standard game.  AI control for all players.  I sit back and watch what happens.

1) Nobody builds transports.  As a result, each island tends to become a massive fortress of infantry and armor.  Occasionally a bomber will accidently pick up an army, otherwise infantry and armor never leave their land mass.

2) I can tell a town to build transports, which it will do.  When it is completed, the transport stays in town even though it has objectives to go somewhere and do something.

3) I can tell a transport to leave town.  It will do so, and automatically pick up some land units and go attack a city or town somewhere else.  I did not notice it off-loading its units unless it was directly adjacent to an enemy town or city.

4) After all of its cargo units have been off-loaded while attacking a town or city, the transport will stick around and directly attack things on its own, instead of going back to pick up more units.

Perhaps related:

5) With manual control, I often want to tell a unit to leave town and go somewhere else.  Many times, the unit will refuse to move, unless I click on an adjacent hex.


Some day it'd be fun to try to apply fuzzy logic to this program, which seems to be a natural application for it.

Anyhow, congrats on a fun game.


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