pathfinding refueling
Lincoln Peters
Tue Dec 23 04:08:00 GMT 2003
On Sat, 2003-12-20 at 23:38, Peter Garrone wrote:
> > >If it has insufficient movement points
> > >to reach the next point in the move, and it has used some mp this turn,
> > >and the next point is a mobile
> > >unit, it goes into reserve for that turn,
> > >and rechecks at the start of its next turn.
> >
> > Yes, if fuel consumption is per-move. If it is per-turn, going into reserve
> > makes little sense. Unless it can resupply itself from the terrain, of
> > course.
> Thanks. Of course in the roman game, food is consumed per turn. But that
> would never be a problem because there arent any mobile land-based
> resupply points. But I will certainly check for that in the code.
What about the wandering barbarian tribes? The last time I played
roman.g (when I was testing the pathfinding code), I used a tribe to
carry an invasion force across a desert (I piled infantry into the
tribe, then moved it across the desert). The tribe remains productive,
even when in a desert and on the move (although less prodctive than a
stationary tribe in plains).
Lincoln Peters <>
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