pathfinding refueling

Peter Garrone
Fri Dec 19 01:43:00 GMT 2003

On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 12:24:23PM -0500, Eric McDonald wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> First, a few things:
> (1) I am simply seeking a technical discussion, not a flamewar. I 
> want to understand what you propose, including its limitations. 
> Exploring its limitations is not the same thing as providing 
> negative feedback or criticizing it into oblivion.
> (2) I am not taking anything personally wrt Bellum or anything 
> else. If I cite Bellum as example, it is because it is one of the 
> Xconq games I am most familiar with, __and one that has a level of 
> complexity that can give rise to odd cases or interesting 
> counterexamples.
> On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Peter Garrone wrote:
> > > Why only one? In the case of Bellum, c is every bit as important 
> > > as f1 or f2. A unit will become paralyzed without c.
> > 
> > Because when I am ferrying units about in standard, and bellum,
> > aircraft run out of one thing generally, fuel. The aim is to avoid
> But that need not be the case. A game designer is completely free 
> to make a game where 2 materials could be regarded as equally 
> important, equally consumed fuels. And I don't think it is our 
> privilege to tell the game designer not to do that, or to roll the 
> two "fuel" types into one.

This is helper AI code. If a game designer implements a game that
requires a player to move a unit continually to several distinct
positions to obtain peculiar materials associated with each position,
then fine, but we dont have to set up the helper ai code to automate
that process. The player can always do it manually. No game does it now,
and I doubt any rational game designer would do it. But if they did,
this development that I am proposing does not preclude it, just doesnt
automate it.

> > Your assumption that I am ignoring these parameters is incorrect.
> OK, then I misunderstood your comment about the distinction 
> between the referee and the helper AI, and how it pertained to the 
> question at hand.
> > > > 3) The distance that the unit can receive the material is zero.
> > > 
> > > How is this a relevant criterion?
> > 
> > Because if distance is greater than zero, generally a unit gets resupplied
> > by the general resupply code at the end of a turn, and there is not
> > usually a problem such as with aircraft of continually moving it to a
> > point of resupply.
> That is an assumption. Words like "generally" and "usually" are 
> not the same as "always".

I am a native english speaker and I do understand what these words mean,
thanks. For someone who doesnt want a flamewar, you sure know how to
irritate. You will have to make your point more directly please.

> Take some land units in Bellum, for instance. They can move 
> outside their "c" in-length. And if they end up in a combat 
> situation outside that radius, they will rapidly become depleted 
> of "c", and hence be paralyzed.

But that does not create the clickathon playability problem that I intend this
code to address. I do not think it is the role of the pathfinding to
address the strategic problem associated with lack of c.

> > > A unit is not guaranteed to receive more "c" just because the 
> > > 'in-length'/'out-length' happens to be > 0. "c" is just as 
> > > relevant as "f1", IMO. Any refueling path heuristic should not 
> > > assume some hypothetical supply of a material; all calculations 
> > > should be done with material in hand.
> > 
> > OK you thought up c and you are taking it personally that I am assigning
> > it less consideration than fuel, right.
> No, I am saying that it is a sort of "fuel".

As I have pointed out elsewhere, the c problem does not create a
playability problem because it gets resupplied at every turn, if within
range, and aircraft do not ususally crash because they run out of c.

> > But if I am ferrying aircraft around, they run out of fuel, not c.
> But they could run out of "c".

But that is not a playability problem.

> > Your c represents the attention span and loyalty of the pilot I presume,
> > which is less than one tank of fuel? Are you attempting to simulate
> > reality or what?
> No. I am not attempting to simulate reality. I have attempted to 
> make an interesting and fun game. I do not know if I have 
> succeeded in that attempt yet. I am still waiting for more 
> play-tester feedback.
> As far as what "c" means: no, it does not have anything to do with 
> loyalty. I would use the side opinion mechanism, if I wanted 
> something like that. And it doesn't really mean attention span 
> either. It is simply an abstract quantity of "command points".

Its irrelevant to the discussion. I obviously am not being direct enough
when making a point. Games do not generally have more than one
fuel-material per unit. c is not a fuel-material because it does not
require the player to move it to a refueling point to get more.

I am proposing to automate only one fuel-material per unit. The game
designer is free to have more, just they will not be automated. But if
there are several, then the one giving the shortest effective range
will be automated. With any others, the player would have to guide them
to refueling points.

> > fuel, but f would receive priority, because it would imply a shorter
> > range. But if c were set up to have a shorter range, then that would be
> > the critical fuel. If c and f were identical in range, and had different
> > supply unit positions, then it wouldnt work and the planes would crash,
> > but it would be a stupid game anyhow and I doubt I would bother playing
> > it.
> Just to make sure that we are on the same page: here, you are 
> referring to "range" as the maximum distance a unit can travel 
> before it would have to turn around (or go elsewhere) to resupply 
> the fuel in question, right?

For me range is the number of MP possible given full tanks.

> > It is possible in the GDL to have
> > different units at different positions supplying different materials.
> Correct. This is one of the scenarios I have in mind.
> > It is not possible to terminate such a path so as to guarantee
> > that a unit will be able to have enough fuel to travel to multiple supply
> > points. An infinite loop results if more than one fuel type at more than
> > one resupply point.
> Maybe we need to take a more piecewise approach to path-finding. 
> We have a final destination goal B, and a starting point A. Now if 
> we determine that we would run short of a fuel while going from A 
> to B, then we use an alternate heuristic which drives the "ideal" 
> path towards a resupply point C. Then we move from A to C. At C, 
> we replenish every relevant material we can get ahold of. Then, we 
> try making a path from C to B. Again, if we determine that we 
> would run short of a fuel while going from C to B, then we use the 
> alternate heuristic to drive the "ideal" path towards a resupply 
> point D, and so on and so forth.
> So we don't try to calculate the entire path ab initio (which 
> would require considering multiple fuel types and would be messy), 
> but rather do it in segments....

I would regard this approach as a bit low-tech.
The pathfinding has a set of open nodes, each node having position and
fuel. At each step in the iteration, it gets the best current node, and
generates all possible child nodes from it. Each child node would have
less fuel than its parent, unless it was at a refueling point where it
would refuel. If a child node runs out of fuel, it gets terminated.

What you dont seem to grasp is that it is necessary to guarantee at the
end of a trip that the unit has the ability to travel to the nearest
refueling point. With multiple points for multiple fuels, we get an
infinite loop. There are probably ways around this, but it gets too
messy. It is only necessary to consider one fuel to achieve 100%

> I would agree except for the already mentioned case where the 
> resupply point which provides the shortest-range fuel does not 
> provide the longer-range fuels.
> > You have not advanced any convincing arguments as to why more than one
> > fuel type should be taken into consideration when pathfinding. Unless
> > you can convince me that it is important to do so, and also address the path
> > termination problem, I will develop for one fuel type only, the fuel giving
> > the shortest range for a particular unit type.
> My recommendation is piecewise pathfinding, as laid out above. It 
> is not computationally complex, since at most one type of fuel is 
> motivating any one leg of a journey to a final destination. And, 
> it is safer, IMO, since it does not assume that a resupply point 
> provides all necessary fuel types for a given unit. (Note that a 
> resupply point may even be capable of providing all necessary fuel 
> types, but it may simply be out of some, if other units 
> already sucked it dry.)
> Eric

Go for it. I dont endorse it, but thats irrelevant. I have better things
to do.

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