Ease of MSVC build

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery@indiegamedesign.com
Sun Nov 9 01:54:00 GMT 2003

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> But as it appears now... it had INSTALL-win in
> CVS, but not in a way that anyone would see upon downloading
> CVS.  Why?
> Because nobody's actually doing the Windoze build regularly to know.

Oh yeah, and I'll add that the MSVC instructions in INSTALL-win are
empty.  One would usually surmise from that sort of thing that MSVC is
not a working build procedure.

Cheers,                         www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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