Feature Request - Collapsable Occupant View

Hans Ronne hronne@telia.com
Wed May 14 23:13:00 GMT 2003

>How would I enable this feature and can I only enable
>it for certain units or all units?

You would have to write new interface code. Supported in the kernel means
that you can turn on this feature from the interface if the necessary code
is there. Which it is not. Possibly, we could add it as a gvar. That would
be easier. But you would still have the problem with being unable to select

>Yes, that would be great.  Also, could someone post
>the Attack/Defend calculation?

See real_attack_value and real_defend_value in combat.c (and of course

>By the way, would it be too much to ask for an
>occupant-affects-damage table?

That would be easier than some of the other things you asked for. I'll put
it on the todo list.


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