Static Occupant Bonuses to Attack
Hans Ronne
Thu Apr 24 15:40:00 GMT 2003
>I know that the following will increase a unit's
>Attack (Or other attribute):
>(table occupant-affects-attack
> (occupant transport XXXX))
>However, it seems this can only be a percentage
>increase. Is there a way to designate an actual
>bonus, so that an occupant provides, for example, a +1
>attack or +1 defense?
>Also, is it possible within Xconq to designate a
>unit's Attack or Defense or other value as the sum of
>its occupants Attack or Defense or other value?
Not at present. Additive effects would not be too hard to implement,
though. We have both additive and multiplicative effects in some other
cases, such as occupant-add-production and occupant-multiply-production.
Ultimately, it boils down to how many GDL tables we want to support. More
tables means more flexibility for the game writer but also makes it harder
for the novice. If I really need a new table in a game that I am writing, I
add it. But I usually look for other ways to achieve the same thing first.
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