Bug: Tank sitting in water

Hans Ronne hronne@telia.com
Thu Jan 16 20:53:00 GMT 2003

>On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 00:20, Hans Ronne wrote:
>> acp-occupant-effect doesn't have to be negative. If it is zero the
>> transport cannot move at all. If it is 100, the transport moves at normal
>> speed. If it is 200, at double speed (see compute_acp in move.c).
>I meant that I've never seen an Xconq game where an occupant reduces the
>ACP of its transport.  When I said "negative effect", I just meant that
>the effect would be undesirable (i.e. fewer ACP's per turn), not that it
>would necessarily produce a negative number.

Well, my example was hypthetical to start with. But it does make sense for
a full transport to be slowed down by its occupants. So if this option is
not used in any current game, it's probably because acp-occupant-effect has
not been widely used yet. Napoleon, which is one of the few games to use
it, seems to contain a lot of experimental stuff. It is the only game with
clouds. And one of the few with leaders.


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