Game customization

Keir Novik
Tue Oct 5 06:29:00 GMT 1999

On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Hans Ronne wrote:

> We also discussed other forms of customization, some of which don't even
> exist yet. Right now, I am working on giving the independent side a brain,
> so that these units also can move around and take part in the game. An
> important question is how smart the independent side should be. Should it
> be able to build, do research and at least some strategic planning, or
> should it just restrict itself to defending its own units when attacked? My
> feeling is that this may vary from game to game, and also that different
> players may have different preferences. I would therefore like to put some
> customization in the setup dialog for the independent side.

As I see it, independent sides are the same as the other sides except they
are trying to stay out of the conflict.  Something like Switzerland in the
Second World War, I think you'd agree.  Thus I think the standard AI code
should be modified to include them.  Independent sides should definitely
build units and place them defensively, but should not move units into
other countries.  They should be capable of acting offensively to push out
an invader in their country.

> I'm also working on making the population code in ane.g, where cities can
> grow in size and thus become more powerful, available to other games. The
> question then arises if this code should be on by default (which would have
> profound effects in some existing games) or off (which wouldn't change
> anything in existing games).

Off by default -- using the population code should be the choice of the
game designer.

 - Keir

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