build and fortran

Matt Challacombe MChalla@USURF.Com
Thu Oct 5 06:23:00 GMT 2000


I'm trying to get SNavigator to work with fortran90 (I have *.F90s
and they get ccp'ed to *.f90s then compiled) and I'm
having a few problems I'm hoping the list can help me with.  

I've grabbed the SN4.5.2 tarball, and when I ./configure I get the following:

Configuring for a i686-pc-linux-gnu host.
*** Cannot configure in source tree.
*** Make a parallel directory and configure there.   

How to avoid this?  I see an option for suffixes etc with --help,
so this is promising.

I also tried the binaries and Ian's advice:                                    

"Two ways to add a rule for fortran, one is using
sn_add_simple_ide_rule in .../etc/sn_prop.cfg

sn_add_simple_ide_rule Fortran \
        -suffix-list {.o.f90} \
        -action "$<" \
        -tool fortran \
        -description "Compile a Fortran file." \
        -file-type Fortran

replace "-tool fortran" with whatever fortran compiler you are using. "

I did this, with the approporiate suffixes compiler etc, but 
SNavigator does not recognice my *.F90 files.  Is their something more
like a reboot?

Thanks,  Matt

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