sourceware and git

Frank Ch. Eigler
Fri Aug 1 22:54:00 GMT 2014

Hi -

On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 01:05:18PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> [...]  I was just trying to make sure that the git repo for Cygwin
> contains all of Cygwin, and that includes newlib.  It's not just an
> external library, it's an inherent part of Cygwin.

Well, not in the usual sense of "part of".

> You can't build Cygwin without newlib 

That sounds like any normal dependency.

> and you can't build a standalone newlib for Cygwin without the
> Cygwin sources.

That sounds like a possible packaging/bootstrapping detail, not an
"is-part-of" relationship.  (Consider glibc vs. linux-kernel, or gcc
vs. glibc, etc.)

Rather than focus on the building dependency aspects though, consider
focusing on actual project operation / community.  Are newlib/libgloss
is maintained/released by a different group of people on a different
schedule than cygwin?

- FChE

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