sourceware hardware transition

Frank Ch. Eigler
Wed Mar 13 17:23:00 GMT 2013

Hi -

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 07:36:26AM +0100, Jonathan Larmour wrote:
> [...]
> Since at least gcc bugzilla relies on things like bugzilla mail handling, 
> including some magic scripts relating commits to bugs; and every project 
> has some sort of mailing list for commits, I think things will need 
> firewalling before the hordes.

There is a tradeoff here.  I suspect it's more acceptable to get
version control systems up ASAP (and risk losing some VCS- or
bugzilla-notification emails), than delay bringing the machine up
until all those interdependent services are up.  What do you think?

- FChE

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