sourceware hardware transition

Frank Ch. Eigler
Mon Mar 11 21:29:00 GMT 2013

Hi -

I propose to spend the week of March 18..22 on the long-awaited
sourceware hardware transition task.  I'd appreciate some overseer

My rough plan is to:

- announce to the various groups that there will be outage(s) next week

Next monday:

- bring down most network services on server
- do a couple of final rsyncs from server.->server[45]
- IP-number-exchange server5 <-> server
- bring up server5 running basically nothing, just ssh
- then activate network services one by one as their
  files/configurations are hand-massaged, in this likely order
  of priorities:
     - git/cvs
     - mail
     - httpd
     - other stuff
  (If people are too worried about the loss of some email or somesuch
  during the back-on transition, I guess we could firewall everything
  off until everything is up, then let the awaiting hordes in.)

If things go too south, I'd undo the renumbering, and be back where we

- FChE

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