high load average -> slow builds

Jim Meyering jim@meyering.net
Tue Jan 15 08:45:00 GMT 2013

I've been getting warnings that my cvs-to-git processes
are hitting their locks several times per day: i.e., a prior
job is still running when the next cron-triggered job would have run.
That's not a problem in and of itself, but is indicative of another.

Over the last week or so, the load average has consistently been
above 20, so it's no surprise that things take longer.

I will probably reduce the cvs-to-git crontab frequency just to
stop the nag mail.  But longer term, what's the schedule for the
hardware update?

FYI, here's a snapshot of top output:

top - 08:39:36 up 812 days, 17:27,  2 users,  load average: 22.23, 26.47, 25.77
Tasks: 318 total,  16 running, 299 sleeping,   0 stopped,   3 zombie
Cpu(s): 18.3% us,  7.7% sy, 43.6% ni, 15.7% id, 14.5% wa,  0.2% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:  16631336k total, 15213152k used,  1418184k free,   199780k buffers
Swap:  2096376k total,    22868k used,  2073508k free, 12319912k cached

13593 apache    33   8 67.9   0:07.56  0.4 73536  67m 1516 R python
 8219 bugzilla  25   0 56.0  26:17.24  3.1  506m 502m 3104 R email_in.pl
11343 apache    33   8 40.1   0:14.88  0.1 17440  11m 3072 R python
 3181 apache    24   8 20.2   0:26.09  0.1 18400  11m 3116 R python
 9252 nobody    39  19 16.9   0:04.37  0.2 91132  37m  16m S git
14388 apache    28   8 10.6   0:00.32  0.0  8656 5240 2020 R python
 5096 nobody    34  19  8.9   5:38.26  2.1  698m 340m  45m S git
16448 anoncvs   15   0  6.3   2:16.35  0.1 29916  22m 2204 D svnserve
14199 nobody    39  19  5.6   2:29.12  1.2  491m 198m  46m R git
23042 clamav    16   0  5.0   0:21.00  0.5 89240  75m 3780 S spamd
24027 root      18   0  5.0   0:08.12  0.0  3104  632  412 S sh
18369 nobody    35  19  4.3   0:24.01  0.6  258m  97m  52m R git
19618 nobody    39  19  3.3   0:26.54  0.5  155m  87m  40m R git
14969 meyering  35  19  3.0   1:48.54  0.2 33720  27m  832 R cvs
  567 root      15   0  1.7  13286:44  0.0     0    0    0 S md10_raid5
14724 htdigid   34  19  1.7   2:37.78  0.1 19076  11m 1848 S indexer
14075 meyering  16   0  1.0   0:00.09  0.0  3716 1144  780 R top
14397 clamav    17   0  1.0   0:00.03  0.1 13556 9896  912 S qpsmtpd-forkser
24026 root      15   0  1.0   0:00.80  0.0  2652  512  416 D find
 2345 apache    23   8  0.7   0:00.22  0.0 25800 7896 1872 S httpd
 3825 root      15   0  0.7   1348:44  0.0     0    0    0 S kjournald
 9641 root      15   0  0.7 281:10.73  0.0  3140  644  544 S syslogd
14859 meyering  34  19  0.7   0:17.02  0.3 60072  56m  560 R cvsps
18584 ftp       15   0  0.7   1:03.52  0.0  6680 2324 1220 S proftpd
22318 apache    23   8  0.7   0:00.48  0.1 26948 9084 2628 S httpd
24817 dberlin   26  10  0.7   0:05.59  0.2 48632  40m 2320 D svn
31895 root      34  19  0.7   1:34.42  0.0  3160  632  384 R updatedb
   79 root      15   0  0.3   3431:53  0.0     0    0    0 S kswapd0
  573 root      15   0  0.3   6:40.87  0.0     0    0    0 S md4_raid1
 3828 root      15   0  0.3 491:51.42  0.0     0    0    0 S kjournald
 7003 apache    23   8  0.3   0:02.93  0.0 25896 8164 1928 S httpd
 8114 nobody    15   0  0.3   7:35.53  0.0  6312 1924 1212 S proftpd
 9583 nscd      16   0  0.3 668:54.44  0.0  135m 2836 1916 S nscd
11865 dnscache  15   0  0.3   3906:14  0.3 50624  48m  232 S dnscache
12855 apache    23   8  0.3   0:00.01  0.0 25084 7392 1820 S httpd
14900 meyering  35  19  0.3   0:23.21  0.0  5848 1124  936 R cvs
19775 apache    23   8  0.3   0:00.23  0.0 25188 7640 1932 D httpd
22589 apache    23   8  0.3   0:00.31  0.0 25384 7832 1920 D httpd
25270 apache    23   8  0.3   0:00.11  0.1 26396 8780 1940 S httpd
28140 apache    24   8  0.3   0:00.33  0.0 25868 8068 1872 D httpd
28269 apache    23   8  0.3   0:00.13  0.0 25172 7556 1872 D httpd
31920 apache    23   8  0.3   0:00.35  0.0 25884 8080 1924 S httpd

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