[Patch] Raise the dead: i860

Gerald Pfeifer gerald@pfeifer.com
Mon Aug 11 21:11:00 GMT 2003

[ gcc -> overseers@gcc.gnu.org ]

On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Jason Eckhardt wrote:
>   Now if someone could only help me with my write-permission
>   problem!  I still don't understand why it ever stopped
>   working.

%id jle
uid=9387(jle) gid=65511(binutils) groups=65511(binutils),65500(src)

As CGF is on holidays, I now added you to the gcc group (given that you
are listed in the GCC MAINTAINERS file); please try again.

Gerald Pfeifer (Jerry)   gerald@pfeifer.com   http://www.pfeifer.com/gerald/

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