Anonymous rsync over ssh?

Jason Molenda
Tue Dec 10 22:58:00 GMT 2002

On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 07:16:20PM +0000, Joseph S. Myers wrote:

> > Another advantage of subversion, I understand, is that it uses
> > more standard ports.
> As I noted on the gcc list, this breaks for users stuck behind
> "transparent" port 80 proxies that don't understand WebDAV/DeltaV, who may
> have no difficulty with almost every other outbound port freely available
> but have a few (e.g. 80, 25, ports used by peer-to-peer systems) proxied
> or blocked.  

I haven't followed the subversion dev list much, but I believe
they've added a third access method--in addition to the normal
WebDAV method they have a local filesystem method (ra_local),
there's a "ra_svn" that talks an svn protocol over TCP, and can be
tunneled over something like an ssh connection.

I hope to find more time to look at svn as it gets more mature.
I'm sure there will be a lot of people interested in trying it out
on as soon as it starts to look stable.


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