htdig: search_algorithm now allowed in forms. Should default change?

Hans-Peter Nilsson
Sat May 25 08:41:00 GMT 2002

for uses (almost straight from the htdig manual, tweaked for
xhtml compliance).

Should search_algorithm be "exact" by default, site-wide (as in
both gcc and sourceware)?

Index: site.conf
RCS file: /cvs/sourceware/infra/htdig-conf/site.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -p -c -r1.13 -r1.14
*** site.conf	24 Feb 2002 19:36:48 -0000	1.13
--- site.conf	25 May 2002 14:33:30 -0000	1.14
*************** max_doc_size:		1000000
*** 107,112 ****
--- 107,116 ----
  search_algorithm:	exact:1 synonyms:0.5 endings:0.1

+ # Allow the search algorithm to be specified in search forms, overriding
+ # the above default.
+ allow_in_form: search_algorithm
  # The following are the templates used in the builtin search results
  # The default is to use compiled versions of these files, which produces

brgds, H-P

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