Last mailing list update for a while

Jason Molenda
Thu May 27 01:03:00 GMT 1999

Hi folks, I have good news.  We've finished migrating mailing lists
from to  Marc Rovner and I enabled
that dumb little autoresponder for the remaining lists today; you can
no longer send mail to an external technical mailing list without adding
"@sourceware" or "@egcs" explicitly.

Since I started adding lists to sourceware in February, I've kept a very
close eye on every mailing list on the system.  If any issues or questions
came up, I was right on top of them.  This was partially because no one
(even me :-) was familiar with how our new mailing list manager worked,
and a lot of hands-on help was needed.  Partially it was due to my
concern for any mailer bugs.

Since I added the first list in November to this system, I have seen
only one mailing list manager bug, and that was something fixed in a
more recent release of the software.  (specifically:  cygwin@sourceware
has a little 3-line message appended to every note telling people how to
unsubscribe.  ezmlm adds this as a separate MIME part to multipart MIME
messages which confuses some MUAs.  More recent versions of ezmlm just
give up on adding the footer text when they have a multipart MIME message)

I have never seen any credible reports of mail being lost, mangled,
or otherwise mishandled by this mailer since Tim Goodwin set it up in
November last year.  I feel confident that we would have hit any bugs
by now if they were in there.

Sooo, from now on, I'm stepping back from the mailing lists.  I won't
be monitoring your lists except taking an occasional peek via the web
archives for fun.  If any issues come up, you will need to send them to
me directly.  postmaster@sourceware also works (it goes to me).

If you ever see any spam on any sourceware hosted mailing list, I want to
know about it.  I doubt any of the current generation of spammers will
get through, but eventually they'll rev their techniques and software
and I'll have to rev our spam protection methods.

And always remember, there is a distillation of all mailing list
answers at

When in doubt, point people to this page.

Now I'll move on to other interesting infrastructure things that I've
had on my mind...  :-)

Jason // Sourceware Czar
         Free the Software!

PS-  Naturally, don't hestitate to ask for new mailing lists or changes
in your mailing list config or anything like that.  I'm just saying I
won't be actively monitoring the day-to-day traffic of every sourceware
mailing list any longer, not that I'll refuse to help from now on.

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