[EXTERNAL]: Re: Why int32_t is long int on 32 Bit Intel?

Trampas Stern trampas@gmail.com
Sat Jul 29 12:47:22 GMT 2023

What is worse is when you get to use some TI DSPs where a char is 16bit.
Most code and libraries, like FAT libraries, all assume a char is 8bit.
 The whole is char signed or unsigned is another C-ism along with is a
right shift sign extended.


On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 5:53 PM Jon Beniston <jon@beniston.com> wrote:

> > One final question: do you know what "SPU" means in this context and why
> it is an exceptional case?
> Old PlayStation processor, I believe.
> Cheers,
> Jon

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