devctl.h missing extern C

Brian Inglis
Thu Feb 13 21:28:00 GMT 2020

On 2020-02-10 09:10, Joel Sherrill wrote:

> I noticed devctl.h is missing extern C. Does newlib have rules
> on where they go? In stdio.h they were deeper in the file than
> my normal style.
> Obviously, I will be following up shortly with a patch.

Many headers now include _ansi.h which defines _{BEGIN,END}_STD_C and use those:
at the start after the include guard and setup (conditional) feature tests and
sets, and includes, before any functional declarations or definitions; and at
the end before SSP features tests and includes.

Others may have a __cplusplus test right after the include guard test, before
the include guard symbol definition; and the closing brace right before the
guard endif; otherwise as with the macros above.

You can get a sense of the usage with:

$ egrep -C3 __cplusplus newlib/**/include/**/*.h
$ egrep -C3 '_ansi\.h|_(BEGIN|END)_STD_C' newlib/**/include/**/*.h

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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