[RFC][PATCH] Make manpages (v2)

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Tue Apr 12 11:32:00 GMT 2016

This is an update of my previous patch at [1]

Currently, newlib has no manpages.  Attached is a patch which generates 
manpages for newlib functions which have makedoc markup.

texinfo (by design) does not lend itself well to generating manpages, so 
instead DocBook XML is used as an intermediate format.

This patch adds a makedocbook tool, which, similarly to the makedoc 
tool, processes source files to extract markup, but rather than 
.texinfo, it generates DocBook XML, which can then be processed into 

Similarly to the info documentation, the man pages are not built by 
'make all', but by 'make doc', and can be installed with 'make install-man'.

This just adds a mechanism for generating manpages.  The current 
mechanisms for generating documentation in .info and other formats are 
unchanged and there is no suggestion to change that.

For ease of reviewing, this patch doesn't contain Makefile.in changes.

I would appreciate any comments you have on the approach and the 

There are at least the following issues with this patch:

* I haven't tested that documentation is correctly included/excluded 
depending on the newlib configuration.

* Like 'make info', there is only build avoidance for extracting markup 
from the source, not for the processing of that extracted markup.

[1] https://sourceware.org/ml/newlib/2015/msg00552.html
-------------- next part --------------
From d0bb4bf6c75318299305785c73e7e7e84ee0c7a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jon Turney <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 20:43:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Make newlib manpages via DocBook XML

Add makedocbook, a tool to process makedoc markup and output DocBook XML

Process all the source files which are processed with makedoc with
makedocbook as well

Add chapter-texi2docbook, a tool to automatically generate DocBook XML
chapter files from the chapter .texi files.  For generating man pages all we
care about is the content of the refentries, so all this needs to do is
convert the @include of the makedoc generated .def files to xi:include of
the makedocbook generated .xml files.

Add skeleton Docbook XML book files, lib[cm].in.xml which include these
generated chapters, which in turn include the generated files containing
refentries, which is processed with xsltproc to generate the lib[cm].xml

Generate and install man pages from lib[cm].xml

Signed-off-by: Jon Turney <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk>
 newlib/Makefile.shared             |  26 +-
 newlib/doc/.gitignore              |   3 +
 newlib/doc/chapter-texi2docbook.py |  45 ++
 newlib/doc/makedocbook.py          | 834 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 newlib/libc/Makefile.am            |  13 +-
 newlib/libc/iconv/Makefile.am      |   3 +
 newlib/libc/libc.in.xml            |  42 ++
 newlib/libm/Makefile.am            |  12 +-
 newlib/libm/libm.in.xml            |  14 +
 newlib/man.xsl                     |  13 +
 newlib/refcontainers.xslt          |  14 +
 11 files changed, 1012 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 newlib/doc/.gitignore
 create mode 100755 newlib/doc/chapter-texi2docbook.py
 create mode 100755 newlib/doc/makedocbook.py
 create mode 100644 newlib/libc/libc.in.xml
 create mode 100644 newlib/libm/libm.in.xml
 create mode 100644 newlib/man.xsl
 create mode 100644 newlib/refcontainers.xslt

diff --git a/newlib/Makefile.shared b/newlib/Makefile.shared
index 6e026fd..c563efd 100644
--- a/newlib/Makefile.shared
+++ b/newlib/Makefile.shared
@@ -9,20 +9,36 @@ objectlist.awk.in: $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)
 # documentation rules
-SUFFIXES = .def
+SUFFIXES = .def .xml
 CHEW = ${top_builddir}/../doc/makedoc -f $(top_srcdir)/../doc/doc.str
-	$(CHEW) < $< > $*.def 2> $*.ref
-	touch stmp-def
+	$(CHEW) < $< > $*.def 2> $*.ref || ( rm $*.def && false )
+	@touch stmp-def
 TARGETDOC ?= ../tmp.texi
+doc-texinfo: $(CHEWOUT_FILES)
 	for chapter in $(CHAPTERS) ; \
 	do \
 	  cat $(srcdir)/$$chapter >> $(TARGETDOC) ; \
+DOCBOOK_CHEW = ${top_srcdir}/../doc/makedocbook.py
+	$(DOCBOOK_CHEW) < $< > $*.xml || ( rm $*.xml && false )
+	@touch stmp-xml
+doc-docbook: $(DOCBOOK_OUT_FILES)
+	for chapter in $(DOCBOOK_CHAPTERS) ; \
+	do \
+	  ${top_srcdir}/../doc/chapter-texi2docbook.py <$(srcdir)/$${chapter%.xml}.tex >../$$chapter ; \
+	done
+doc: doc-docbook doc-texinfo
diff --git a/newlib/doc/.gitignore b/newlib/doc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fcb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newlib/doc/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# PLY artefacts
diff --git a/newlib/doc/chapter-texi2docbook.py b/newlib/doc/chapter-texi2docbook.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb606dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newlib/doc/chapter-texi2docbook.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# python script to convert the handwritten chapter .texi files, which include
+# the generated files for each function, to DocBook XML
+# all we care about is the content of the refentries, so all this needs to do is
+# convert the @include of the makedoc generated .def files to xi:include of the
+# makedocbook generated .xml files.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import re
+def main():
+    first_node = True
+    print ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
+    print ('<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">')
+    for l in sys.stdin.readlines():
+	l = l.rstrip()
+	# transform @file{foo} to <filename>foo</filename>
+	l = re.sub("@file{(.*?)}", "<filename>\\1</filename>", l)
+	if l.startswith("@node"):
+	    l = l.replace("@node", "", 1)
+	    l = l.strip()
+	    l = l.lower()
+	    if first_node:
+		print ('<chapter id="%s" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">' % l.replace(' ', '_'))
+		first_node = False
+	elif l.startswith("@chapter "):
+	    l = l.replace("@chapter ", "", 1)
+	    print ('<title>%s</title>' % l)
+	elif l.startswith("@include "):
+	    l = l.replace("@include ", "", 1)
+	    l = l.replace(".def", ".xml", 1)
+	    print ('<xi:include href="%s"/>' % l.strip())
+    print ('</chapter>')
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+    main()
diff --git a/newlib/doc/makedocbook.py b/newlib/doc/makedocbook.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b4f5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newlib/doc/makedocbook.py
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# python script to process makedoc instructions in a source file and produce
+# DocBook XML output
+# This performs 3 stages of processing on it's input, in a similar fashion
+# to makedoc:
+# 1. Discard everything outside of /*  */ comments
+# 2. Identify lines which contains commands (a single uppercase word)
+# 3. Apply each command to the text of the following lines (up to the next
+#    command or the end of the comment block), to produce some output
+# The resulting output contains one or more DocBook XML refentry elements.
+# To make the output a valid XML document which can be xincluded, those refentry
+# elements are contained by a refcontainer element.  refcontainer is not part of
+# the DocBook DTD and should be removed by a suitable XSLT.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import re
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import lxml.etree
+import ply.lex as lex
+import ply.yacc as yacc
+rootelement = None # root element of the XML tree
+refentry = None # the current refentry
+verbose = 0
+def dump(s, stage, threshold = 1):
+    if verbose > threshold:
+	print('*' * 40, file=sys.stderr)
+	print(stage, file=sys.stderr)
+	print('*' * 40, file=sys.stderr)
+	print('%s' % s, file=sys.stderr)
+	print('*' * 40, file=sys.stderr)
+# Stage 1
+def skip_whitespace_and_stars(i, src):
+    while i < len(src) and (src[i].isspace() or (src[i] == '*' and src[i+1] != '/')):
+	i += 1
+    return i
+# Discard everything not inside '/*  */' style-comments which start at column 0
+# Discard any leading blank space or '*'
+# Discard a single leading '.'
+# Discard blank lines after a blank line
+def comment_contents_generator(src):
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(src) - 2:
+	if src[i] == '\n' and src[i+1] == '/' and src[i+2] == '*':
+	    i = i + 3
+	    i = skip_whitespace_and_stars(i, src)
+	    if src[i] == '.':
+		i += 1
+	    while i < len(src):
+		if src[i] == '\n':
+		    yield '\n'
+		    i += 1
+		    # allow a single blank line
+		    if i < len(src) and src[i] == '\n':
+			yield '\n'
+			i += 1
+		    i = skip_whitespace_and_stars(i, src)
+		elif src[i] == '*' and src[i+1] == '/':
+		    i = i + 2
+		    # If we have just output \n\n, this adds another blank line.
+		    # This is the only way a double blank line can occur.
+		    yield '\nEND\n'
+		    break
+		else:
+		    yield src[i]
+		    i += 1
+	else:
+	    i += 1
+def remove_noncomments(src):
+    src = '\n' + src
+    dst = ''.join(comment_contents_generator(src))
+    dump(dst, 'extracted from comments')
+    return dst
+# Stage 2
+# A command is a single word of at least 3 characters, all uppercase, and alone on a line
+def iscommand(l):
+    if re.match('^[A-Z_]{3,}\s*$', l):
+	return True
+    return False
+def command_block_generator(content):
+    command = 'START'
+    text = ''
+    for l in content.splitlines():
+	if iscommand(l):
+	    yield (command, text)
+	    command = l.rstrip()
+	    text = ''
+	else:
+	    text = text + l + '\n'
+    yield (command, text)
+# Look for commands, which give instructions how to process the following input
+def process(content):
+    content = content.lstrip()
+    dump(content, 'about to process for commands')
+    # process into a list of tuples of commands and the associated following text
+    # it is important to maintain the order of the sections the commands generate
+    processed = list(command_block_generator(content))
+    return processed
+# Stage 3
+#  invoke each command on it's text
+def perform(processed):
+    for i in processed:
+	c = i[0].rstrip()
+	t = i[1].strip() + '\n'
+	if verbose:
+	    print("performing command '%s'" % c, file=sys.stderr)
+	if c in command_dispatch_dict:
+	    command_dispatch_dict[c](c, t)
+	else:
+	    print("command '%s' is not recognized" % c, file=sys.stderr)
+	    # the text following an unrecognized command is discarded
+def function(c, l):
+    global refentry
+    global rootelement
+    l = l.strip()
+    if verbose:
+	print('FUNCTION %s' % l, file=sys.stderr)
+    separator = '---'
+    if ';' in l:
+	# fpclassify has an unusual format we also need to handle
+	spliton = ';'
+	l = l.splitlines()[0]
+    elif len(l.splitlines()) > 1:
+	# a few pages like mktemp have two '---' lines
+	spliton = ';'
+	o = ''
+	for i in l.splitlines():
+	     if separator in i:
+		 o += i + ';'
+	     else:
+		 o += i
+	l = o[:-1]
+    else:
+	spliton = '\n'
+    namelist = []
+    descrlist = []
+    for a in l.split(spliton):
+	(n, d) = a.split(separator, 1)
+	namelist = namelist + n.split(',')
+	descrlist = descrlist + [d]
+    # only copysign and log1p use <[ ]> markup in descr,
+    # only gets() uses << >> markup
+    # but we should handle it correctly
+    descr = line_markup_convert(', '.join(descrlist))
+    # fpclassify includes an 'and' we need to discard
+    namelist = map(lambda v: re.sub('^and ', '', v.strip(), 1), namelist)
+    # strip off << >> surrounding name
+    namelist = map(lambda v: v.strip().lstrip('<').rstrip('>'), namelist)
+    if verbose:
+	print(namelist, file=sys.stderr)
+    # additional alternate names may also appear in INDEX commands
+    # create the root element if needed
+    if rootelement is None:
+	rootelement = lxml.etree.Element('refentrycontainer')
+    # FUNCTION implies starting a new refentry
+    if refentry is not None:
+	print("multiple FUNCTIONs without NEWPAGE", file=sys.stderr)
+	exit(1)
+    # create the refentry
+    refentry = lxml.etree.SubElement(rootelement, 'refentry')
+    refentry.append(lxml.etree.Comment(' Generated by makedocbook.py '))
+    refentry.set('id', namelist[0].lstrip('_'))
+    refmeta = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refmeta')
+    # refentrytitle will be same as refdescriptor, the primary name
+    refentrytitle = lxml.etree.SubElement(refmeta, 'refentrytitle')
+    refentrytitle.text = namelist[0]
+    manvolnum = lxml.etree.SubElement(refmeta, 'manvolnum')
+    manvolnum.text = '3'
+    refnamediv = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refnamediv')
+    # refdescriptor is the primary name, assume we should use the one which
+    # appears first in the list
+    refdescriptor = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refdescriptor')
+    refdescriptor.text = namelist[0]
+    # refname elements exist for all alternate names
+    for n in namelist:
+	refname = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refname')
+	refname.text = n
+    refpurpose = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refpurpose')
+    refnamediv.replace(refpurpose, lxml.etree.fromstring('<refpurpose>' + descr + '</refpurpose>'))
+    # Only FUNCTION currently exists, which implies that the SYNOPSIS should be
+    # a funcsynopsis.  If TYPEDEF was to be added, SYNOPSIS should be processed
+    # in a different way, probably producing a refsynopsis.
+# may occur more than once for each FUNCTION giving alternate names this
+# function should be indexed under
+def index(c, l):
+    l = l.strip()
+    if verbose:
+	print('INDEX %s' % l, file=sys.stderr)
+    # discard anything after the first word
+    l = l.split()[0]
+    # add indexterm
+    # (we could just index under all the refnames, but we control the indexing
+    # separately as that is what makedoc does)
+    indexterm = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'indexterm')
+    primary = lxml.etree.SubElement(indexterm, 'primary')
+    primary.text = l
+    # to validate, it seems we need to maintain refentry elements in a certain order
+    refentry[:] = sorted(refentry, key = lambda x: x.tag)
+    # adds another alternate refname
+    refnamediv = refentry.find('refnamediv')
+    # as long as it doesn't already exist
+    if not refnamediv.xpath(('refname[.="%s"]') % l):
+	refname = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refname')
+	refname.text = l
+	if verbose > 1:
+	    print('added refname %s' % l, file=sys.stderr)
+    else:
+	if verbose > 1:
+	    print('duplicate refname %s discarded' % l, file=sys.stderr)
+    # to validate, it seems we need to maintain refnamediv elements in a certain order
+    refnamediv[:] = sorted(refnamediv, key = lambda x: x.tag)
+# ANSI-style synopsis
+# Note that makedoc would also process <<code>> markup here, but there are no
+# such uses.
+def synopsis(c, t):
+    refsynopsisdiv = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refsynopsisdiv')
+    funcsynopsis = lxml.etree.SubElement(refsynopsisdiv, 'funcsynopsis')
+    s = ''
+    for l in t.splitlines():
+	if re.match('\s*[#[]', l):
+	    # a #include, #define etc.
+	    # fpclassify contains some comments in [ ] brackets
+	    funcsynopsisinfo = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcsynopsis, 'funcsynopsisinfo')
+	    funcsynopsisinfo.text = l.strip() + '\n'
+	else:
+	    s = s + l
+	    # a prototype without a terminating ';' is an error
+	    if s.endswith(')'):
+		print("'%s' missing terminating semicolon" % l, file=sys.stderr)
+		s = s + ';'
+		exit(1)
+	    if ';' in s:
+		synopsis_for_prototype(funcsynopsis, s)
+		s = ''
+    if s.strip():
+	print("surplus synopsis '%s'" % s, file=sys.stderr)
+	raise
+def synopsis_for_prototype(funcsynopsis, s):
+    s = s.strip()
+    # funcsynopsis has a very detailed content model, so we need to massage the
+    # bare prototype into it.  Fortunately, since the parameter names are marked
+    # up, we have enough information to do this.
+    for fp in s.split(';'):
+	fp = fp.strip()
+	if fp:
+	    if verbose:
+		print("'%s'" % fp, file=sys.stderr)
+	    match = re.match(r'(.*?)([\w\d]*) ?\((.*)\)', fp)
+	    if verbose:
+		print(match.groups(), file=sys.stderr)
+	    funcprototype = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcsynopsis, 'funcprototype')
+	    funcdef = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'funcdef')
+	    funcdef.text = match.group(1)
+	    function = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcdef, 'function')
+	    function.text = match.group(2)
+	    if match.group(3).strip() == 'void':
+		void = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'void')
+	    else:
+		# Split parameters on ',' except if it is inside ()
+		for p in re.split(',(?![^()]*\))', match.group(3)):
+		    p = p.strip()
+		    if verbose:
+			print(p, file=sys.stderr)
+		    if p == '...':
+			varargs = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'varargs')
+		    else:
+			paramdef = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'paramdef')
+			parameter = lxml.etree.SubElement(paramdef, 'parameter')
+			# <[ ]> enclose the parameter name
+			match2 = re.match('(.*)<\[(.*)\]>(.*)', p)
+			if verbose:
+			    print(match2.groups(), file=sys.stderr)
+			paramdef.text = match2.group(1)
+			parameter.text = match2.group(2)
+			parameter.tail = match2.group(3)
+# Create a refsect with a title corresponding to the command
+# Nearly all the the existing DESCRIPTION contents could be transformed into
+# DocBook with a few regex substitutions.  Unfortunately, pages like sprintf and
+# sscanf, have very complex layout using nested tables and itemized lists, which
+# it is best to parse in order to transform correctly.
+def refsect(t, s):
+    refsect = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refsect1')
+    title = lxml.etree.SubElement(refsect, 'title')
+    title.text = t.title()
+    if verbose:
+	print('%s has %d paragraphs' % (t, len(s.split('\n\n'))) , file=sys.stderr)
+    if verbose > 1:
+	dump(s, 'before lexing')
+	# dump out lexer token sequence
+	lex.input(s)
+	for tok in lexer:
+	    print(tok, file=sys.stderr)
+    # parse the section text for makedoc markup and the few pieces of texinfo
+    # markup we understand, and output an XML marked-up string
+    xml = parser.parse(s, tracking=True, debug=(verbose > 2))
+    dump(xml, 'after parsing')
+    xml = '<refsect1>' + xml + '</refsect1>'
+    refsect.extend(lxml.etree.fromstring(xml))
+def seealso(c, t):
+    refsect('SEE ALSO', t)
+# start a new refentry
+def newpage(c, t):
+    global refentry
+    refentry = None
+# command dispatch table
+def discarded(c, t):
+    return
+command_dispatch_dict = {
+    'FUNCTION'		: function,
+    'TYPEDEF'		: function,	# TYPEDEF is not currently used, but described in doc.str
+    'INDEX'		: index,
+    'TRAD_SYNOPSIS'	: discarded,	# K&R-style synopsis, obsolete and discarded
+    'ANSI_SYNOPSIS'	: synopsis,
+    'SYNOPSIS'		: synopsis,
+    'DESCRIPTION'	: refsect,
+    'RETURNS'		: refsect,
+    'ERRORS'		: refsect,
+    'PORTABILITY'	: refsect,
+    'BUGS'		: refsect,
+    'WARNINGS'		: refsect,
+    'SEEALSO'		: seealso,
+    'NOTES'		: refsect,	# NOTES is not described in doc.str, so is currently discarded by makedoc, but that doesn't seem right
+    'QUICKREF'		: discarded,	# The intent of QUICKREF and MATHREF is not obvious, but they don't generate any output currently
+    'MATHREF'		: discarded,
+    'START'		: discarded,	# a START command is inserted to contain the text before the first command
+    'END'		: discarded,	# an END command is inserted merely to terminate the text for the last command in a comment block
+    'NEWPAGE'		: newpage,
+# Utility functions
+# apply transformations which are easy to do in-place
+def line_markup_convert(p):
+    s = p;
+    # process the texinfo escape for an @
+    s = s.replace('@@', '@')
+    # escape characters not allowed in XML
+    s = s.replace('&','&')
+    s = s.replace('<','<')
+    s = s.replace('>','>')
+    # convert <<somecode>> to <code>somecode</code> and <[var]> to
+    # <varname>var</varname>
+    # also handle nested << <[ ]> >> correctly
+    s = s.replace('<<','<code>')
+    s = s.replace('<[','<varname>')
+    s = s.replace(']>','</varname>')
+    s = s.replace('>>','</code>')
+    # also convert some simple texinfo markup
+    # convert @emph{foo} to <emphasis>foo</emphasis>
+    s = re.sub('@emph{(.*?)}', '<emphasis>\\1</emphasis>', s)
+    # convert @minus{} to U+2212 MINUS SIGN
+    s = s.replace('@minus{}', '&#x2212;')
+    # convert @dots{} to U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
+    s = s.replace('@dots{}', '&#x2026;')
+    # convert xref and pxref
+    s = re.sub('@xref{(.*?)}', "See <xref linkend='\\1'/>", s)
+    # very hacky way of dealing with @* to force a newline
+    s = s.replace('@*', '</para><para>')
+    if (verbose > 3) and (s != p):
+	print('%s-> line_markup_convert ->\n%s' % (p, s), file=sys.stderr)
+    return s
+# lexer
+texinfo_commands = {
+    'ifnottex' : 'IFNOTTEX',
+    'end ifnottex' : 'ENDIFNOTTEX',
+    'tex' : 'IFTEX',
+    'end tex' : 'ENDIFTEX',
+    'comment' : 'COMMENT',
+    'c ' : 'COMMENT',
+    'multitable' : 'MULTICOLUMNTABLE',
+    'end multitable' : 'ENDMULTICOLUMNTABLE',
+    'headitem' : 'MCT_HEADITEM',
+    'tab' : 'MCT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR',
+    'item' : 'MCT_ITEM',
+    }
+# token names
+tokens = [
+    'COURIER',
+    'EOF',
+    'ITEM',
+    'TABLEEND',
+    'TEXINFO',
+    'TEXT',
+] + list(set(texinfo_commands.values()))
+# regular expression rules for tokens, in priority order
+# (all these expressions should match a whole line)
+def t_TEXINFO(t):
+    # this matches any @command. but not @command{} which just happens to be at
+    # the start of a line
+    r'@\w+[^{]*?\n'
+    # if the line starts with a known texinfo command, change t.type to the
+    # token for that command
+    for k in texinfo_commands.keys():
+	if t.value[1:].startswith(k):
+	    t.type = texinfo_commands[k]
+	    break
+    return t
+def t_COURIER(t):
+    r'[.|].*\n'
+    t.value = line_markup_convert(t.value[1:])
+    return t
+def t_BULLETSTART(t):
+    r'O\+\n'
+    return t
+def t_BULLETEND(t):
+    r'O-\n'
+    return t
+def t_TABLESTART(t):
+    r'o\+\n'
+    return t
+def t_TABLEEND(t):
+    r'o-\n'
+    return t
+def t_ITEM(t):
+    r'o\s.*\n'
+    t.value = re.sub('o\s', '', lexer.lexmatch.group(0), 1)
+    t.value = line_markup_convert(t.value)
+    return t
+def t_TEXT(t):
+    r'.+\n'
+    t.value = line_markup_convert(t.value)
+    t.lexer.lineno += 1
+    return t
+def t_BLANKLINE(t):
+    r'\n'
+    t.lexer.lineno += 1
+    return t
+def t_eof(t):
+    if hasattr(t.lexer,'at_eof'):
+	# remove eof flag ready for lexing next input
+	delattr(t.lexer,'at_eof')
+	t.lexer.lineno = 0
+	return None
+    t.type = 'EOF'
+    t.lexer.at_eof = True;
+    return t
+# Error handling rule
+def t_error(t):
+    print("tokenization error, remaining text '%s'" % t.value, file=sys.stderr)
+    exit(1)
+lexer = lex.lex()
+# parser
+def parser_verbose(p):
+    if verbose > 2:
+	print(p[0], file=sys.stderr)
+def p_input(p):
+    '''input : paragraph
+             | input paragraph'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2]
+    else:
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+# Strictly, text at top level should be paragraphs (i.e terminated by a
+# BLANKLINE), while text contained in rows or bullets may not be, but this
+# grammar doesn't enforce that for simplicity's sake.
+def p_paragraph(p):
+    '''paragraph : paragraph_content maybe_eof_or_blankline'''
+    p[0] = '<para>\n' + p[1] + '</para>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_paragraph_content(p):
+    '''paragraph_content : paragraph_line
+                         | paragraph_line paragraph_content'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+    else:
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_paragraph_line(p):
+    '''paragraph_line : TEXT
+                      | texinfocmd
+                      | courierblock
+                      | table
+                      | bulletlist'''
+    p[0] = p[1]
+def p_empty(p):
+    'empty :'
+    p[0] = ''
+def p_maybe_eof_or_blankline(p):
+    '''maybe_eof_or_blankline : empty
+                              | EOF
+                              | BLANKLINE
+                              | BLANKLINE EOF'''
+    p[0] = ''
+def p_maybe_lines(p):
+    '''maybe_lines : empty
+                   | paragraph maybe_lines'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+    else:
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_maybe_blankline(p):
+    '''maybe_blankline : empty
+                       | BLANKLINE'''
+    p[0] = ''
+def p_courierblock(p):
+    '''courierblock : courier'''
+    p[0] = '<literallayout class="monospaced">' + p[1] + '</literallayout>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_courier(p):
+    '''courier : COURIER
+               | COURIER courier'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+    else:
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_bullet(p):
+    '''bullet : ITEM maybe_lines
+              | ITEM BLANKLINE maybe_lines'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	# Glue any text in ITEM into the first para of maybe_lines
+	# (This is an unfortunate consequence of the line-based tokenization we do)
+	if p[2].startswith('<para>'):
+	    p[0] = '<listitem><para>' + p[1] + p[2][len('<para>'):] + '</listitem>'
+	else:
+	    p[0] = '<listitem><para>' + p[1] + '</para>' + p[2] + '</listitem>'
+    else:
+	p[0] = '<listitem><para>' + p[1] + '</para>' + p[3] + '</listitem>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_bullets(p):
+    '''bullets : bullet
+               | bullet bullets'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2]
+    else:
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_bulletlist(p):
+    '''bulletlist : BULLETSTART bullets BULLETEND maybe_blankline'''
+    p[0] = '<itemizedlist>' + p[2] + '</itemizedlist>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_row(p):
+    '''row : ITEM maybe_lines
+           | ITEM BLANKLINE maybe_lines'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = '<row><entry><code>' + p[1] + '</code></entry><entry>' + p[2] + '</entry></row>'
+    else:
+	p[0] = '<row><entry><code>' + p[1] + '</code></entry><entry>' + p[3] + '</entry></row>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_rows(p):
+    '''rows : row
+            | row rows'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2]
+    else:
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_table(p):
+    '''table : TABLESTART rows TABLEEND maybe_blankline'''
+    p[0] = '<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>' + p[2] + '</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_texinfocmd(p):
+    '''texinfocmd : unknown_texinfocmd
+                  | comment
+                  | multitable
+                  | nottex
+                  | tex'''
+    p[0] = p[1]
+def p_unknown_texinfocmd(p):
+    '''unknown_texinfocmd : TEXINFO'''
+    print("unknown texinfo command '%s'" % p[1].strip(), file=sys.stderr)
+    p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_nottex(p):
+    '''nottex : IFNOTTEX paragraph_content ENDIFNOTTEX'''
+    p[0] = p[2]
+def p_tex(p):
+    '''tex : IFTEX paragraph_content ENDIFTEX'''
+    # text for TeX formatter inside @iftex is discarded
+    p[0] = ''
+def p_comment(p):
+    '''comment : COMMENT'''
+    # comment text is discarded
+    p[0] = ''
+def p_mct_columns(p):
+    '''mct_columns : maybe_lines
+                   | maybe_lines MCT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR mct_columns'''
+    if len(p) == 4:
+	p[0] = '<entry>' + p[1] + '</entry>' + p[3]
+    else:
+	p[0] = '<entry>' + p[1] + '</entry>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_mct_row(p):
+    '''mct_row : MCT_ITEM mct_columns'''
+    p[0] = '<row>' + p[2] + '</row>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_mct_rows(p):
+    '''mct_rows : mct_row
+                | mct_row mct_rows'''
+    if len(p) == 3:
+	p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2]
+    else:
+	p[0] = p[1]
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_mct_header(p):
+    '''mct_header : MCT_HEADITEM mct_columns'''
+    p[0] = '<row>' + p[2] + '</row>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_multitable(p):
+    '''multitable : MULTICOLUMNTABLE mct_header mct_rows ENDMULTICOLUMNTABLE'''
+    # this doesn't handle the prototype row form of @multitable, only the @columnfractions form
+    colfrac = p[1].replace('@multitable @columnfractions', '').split()
+    colspec = '\n'.join(['<colspec colwidth="%s*"/>' % (c) for c in colfrac])
+    header = '<thead>' + p[2] + '</thead>\n'
+    body = '<tbody>' + p[3] + '</tbody>\n'
+    p[0] = '<informaltable><tgroup cols="' + str(len(colfrac)) +'">' + colspec + header + body  + '</tgroup></informaltable>'
+    parser_verbose(p)
+def p_error(t):
+    print('parse error at line %d, token %s, next token %s' % (t.lineno, t, parser.token()), file=sys.stderr)
+    exit(1)
+parser = yacc.yacc(start='input')
+def main(file):
+    content = file.read()
+    content = remove_noncomments(content)
+    processed = process(content)
+    perform(processed)
+    # output the XML tree
+    s = lxml.etree.tostring(rootelement, pretty_print=True)
+    if not s:
+	print('No output produced (perhaps the input has no makedoc markup?)', file=sys.stderr)
+	exit(1)
+    print(s)
+    # warn about texinfo commands which didn't get processed
+    match = re.search('@[a-z*]+', s)
+    if match:
+	print('texinfo command %s remains in output' % match.group(), file=sys.stderr)
+if __name__ == '__main__' :
+    options = OptionParser()
+    options.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest = 'verbose')
+    (opts, args) = options.parse_args()
+    verbose = opts.verbose
+    if len(args) > 0:
+	main(open(args[0], 'rb'))
+    else:
+	main(sys.stdin)
diff --git a/newlib/libc/Makefile.am b/newlib/libc/Makefile.am
index 21a74fe..c1b813d 100644
--- a/newlib/libc/Makefile.am
+++ b/newlib/libc/Makefile.am
@@ -223,6 +223,16 @@ info_TEXINFOS = libc.texinfo
 libc_TEXINFOS = sigset.texi extra.texi posix.texi stdio64.texi iconvset.texi \
 	targetdep.tex $(SUBDEFS)
+docbook: $(SUBDEFS) libc.in.xml
+	xsltproc --xinclude --path ${builddir} --nonet ${srcdir}/../refcontainers.xslt ${srcdir}/libc.in.xml >libc.xml
+	xmlto --skip-validation man -m ${srcdir}/../man.xsl libc.xml
+doc: docbook
+install-man: docbook
+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) *.3 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3
 .PHONY: force
@@ -230,7 +240,8 @@ CLEANFILES = $(CRT0) \
 	sigset.texi stmp-sigset extra.texi stmp-extra \
 	stdio64.texi stmp-stdio64 targetdep.tex stmp-targetdep \
 	tmp-sigset.texi tmp-iconvset.texi tmp-extra.texi \
-	tmp-stdio64.texi tmp-posix.texi tmp-targetdep.texi
+	tmp-stdio64.texi tmp-posix.texi tmp-targetdep.texi \
+	*.xml *.3
 ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I .. -I ../..
 CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES = $(newlib_basedir)/configure.host
diff --git a/newlib/libc/iconv/Makefile.am b/newlib/libc/iconv/Makefile.am
index e7ffefa..c419924 100644
--- a/newlib/libc/iconv/Makefile.am
+++ b/newlib/libc/iconv/Makefile.am
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ CHAPTERS = iconv.tex
 iconv.def: lib/iconv.def
 	cp lib/iconv.def iconv.def
+iconv.xml: lib/iconv.xml
+	cp lib/iconv.xml iconv.xml
 stmp-def: force
 	(cd lib && $(MAKE) doc)
 	touch $@
diff --git a/newlib/libc/libc.in.xml b/newlib/libc/libc.in.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9726961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newlib/libc/libc.in.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
+<book id="libc" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+  <bookinfo>
+    <productname>newlib</productname>
+  </bookinfo>
+  <xi:include href="stdlib.xml"/>
+  <xi:include href="ctype.xml"/>
+  <xi:include href="stdio.xml"/>
+  <!-- stdio64 is optional -->
+  <xi:include href="stdio64.xml">
+    <xi:fallback/>
+  </xi:include>
+  <xi:include href="strings.xml"/>
+  <xi:include href="wcstrings.xml"/>
+  <!-- signals is optional -->
+  <xi:include href="signal.xml">
+    <xi:fallback/>
+  </xi:include>
+  <xi:include href="time.xml"/>
+  <xi:include href="locale.xml"/>
+  <!-- reent.tex contains fixed content and nothing seems to include the .def made in reent/ -->
+  <xi:include href="misc.xml"/>
+  <!-- posix is optional -->
+  <xi:include href="posix.xml">
+      <xi:fallback/>
+  </xi:include>
+  <!-- XXX: stdarg.h and vararg.h are directly described in libc.texinfo -->
+  <!-- iconv is optional -->
+  <xi:include href="iconv.xml">
+      <xi:fallback/>
+  </xi:include>
+  <!-- processing should insert index here -->
+  <index/>
diff --git a/newlib/libm/Makefile.am b/newlib/libm/Makefile.am
index bc45816..c694439 100644
--- a/newlib/libm/Makefile.am
+++ b/newlib/libm/Makefile.am
@@ -58,10 +58,20 @@ math/stmp-def: stmp-targetdep ; @true
 complex/stmp-def: stmp-targetdep ; @true
+docbook: math/stmp-def complex/stmp-def libm.in.xml
+	xsltproc --xinclude --path ${builddir} --nonet ${srcdir}/../refcontainers.xslt ${srcdir}/libm.in.xml >libm.xml
+	xmlto --skip-validation --searchpath ${builddir} man -m ${srcdir}/../man.xsl libm.xml
+doc: docbook
+install-man: docbook
+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) *.3 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3/
 .PHONY: force
-CLEANFILES = tmp.texi targetdep.tex stmp-targetdep
+CLEANFILES = tmp.texi targetdep.tex stmp-targetdep *.xml *.3
 ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I .. -I ../..
 CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES = $(newlib_basedir)/configure.host
diff --git a/newlib/libm/libm.in.xml b/newlib/libm/libm.in.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea8a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newlib/libm/libm.in.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
+<book id="libm" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+  <bookinfo>
+    <productname>newlib</productname>
+  </bookinfo>
+  <xi:include href="complex.xml"/>
+  <xi:include href="math.xml"/>
+  <!-- processing should insert index here -->
+  <index/>
diff --git a/newlib/man.xsl b/newlib/man.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e2736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newlib/man.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version='1.0'>
+<!-- don't truncate long manual names -->
+<xsl:param name="man.th.extra3.max.length" select="45" />
+<!-- don't moan about missing metadata -->
+<xsl:param name="refentry.meta.get.quietly" select="1" />
+<!-- generate ansi rather than k&r style function synopses -->
+<xsl:param name="funcsynopsis.style" select="ansi" />
diff --git a/newlib/refcontainers.xslt b/newlib/refcontainers.xslt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85396f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/newlib/refcontainers.xslt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
+ <!-- trivial XSLT which removes the refentrycontainer layer -->
+ <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" doctype-public="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.5//EN" doctype-system="http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" />
+ <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
+ <!-- Whenever you match any node but refentrycontainer or any attribute -->
+ <xsl:template match="node()[not(self::refentrycontainer)]|@*">
+ <!-- Copy the current node -->
+  <xsl:copy>
+    <!-- Including any attributes it has and any child nodes -->
+   <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>
+  </xsl:copy>
+ </xsl:template>

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