Update wctype functions to Unicode 5.2?

Corinna Vinschen vinschen@redhat.com
Sat Feb 13 11:29:00 GMT 2010

On Feb 12 17:52, Jeff Johnston wrote:
> On 12/02/10 03:57 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >Hi Jeff,
> >
> >the wctype tables in the files utf8alpha.h, utf8print.h, and utf8punct.h
> >are based on data from the Unicode 3.2 standard.  This is really old
> >now, we're at Unicode 5.2 right now.  A comment in the files claims they have
> >been "generated" from the unicode.txt file.  What's missing is the
> >information how they have been generated and where the tool is to do
> >that.  If we had that tool available, I'd like to ask we could generate
> >a new set of tables based on Unicode 5.2.
> >
> Sorry, I looked for this, but couldn't find it.  It was so long ago
> (2002) and I don't even remember the name of it.  I tried looking
> for the unicode.txt file or any scripts that sounded like they would
> do this work.  Not on my current machine or the one before it.

Oh well.  Do you have any suggestion how we can go forward?  I think
I have a clue how to generate these tables anew, but it's frustrating
having to reinvent the wheel.


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Project Co-Leader
Red Hat

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