Compatibility with Debian 4.0?

Jason E Miller jasonm@MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 25 09:34:00 GMT 2008

OK, it looks like my second guess was the correct one.  Since my initial
problem was with thread spawning, I looked at the preprocessed version
of pthread.c.  It pulls in libc/sys/linux/include/unistd.h which, in
turn, pulls in /usr/include/bits/confname.h.  That's where it gets the
enum for the _SC_* values.

Perhaps my initial problem with sysconf returning -1 for PAGE_SIZE is
due to a mismatch between this system enum and the values defined in
libc/include/sys/unistd.h.  I noticed that the two lists are the same
for the first 5 entries and then diverge completely.


> Look at the preprocessed output.  Grab the compile line from your make
> output and add -E to the line if you're using gcc.  This puts the
> preprocessed output into the named file, which includes the places
> from which it gets the includes.
> I am not too familiar with the newlib build process, so once you find
> where unistd.h is coming from, perhaps someone else will be able to
> help with why.
> Craig
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason E Miller [mailto:jasonm@MIT.EDU]
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 2:41 PM
> To: Howland Craig D (Craig)
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Compatibility with Debian 4.0?
> Craig,
>     I agree that it seems to be getting unistd.h from elsewhere
> but I'm not sure how to determine which one it's pulling in.  I'm
> guessing that it's getting the one in /usr/include/sys/unistd.h.
> I checked and none of the unistd.h files in /usr/include define
> the missing values.  I'm not trying to build a full toolchain.
> I'm just trying to build a native newlib using the installed gcc.
> Maybe that's why it's getting the wrong version?
>     I guess the other strong possibility is that it's getting
> the version in newlib/libc/sys/linux/sys/ instead of the one you
> patched in newlib/libc/include/sys/.  The one in sys/linux/sys
> seems to include some system header files (bits/environments.h
> and bits/confname.h).  Again, /usr/include/bits/confname.h on my
> machine does not contain defines for the missing symbols.
>     Let me know if there's any other information I can provide
> that might help shed light on this.
>    -Jason

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