[libstdc++] Add XHTML DOCTYPE. (was Re: web page status)

Phil Edwards phil@jaj.com
Mon Oct 7 11:17:00 GMT 2002

On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 09:30:57AM -0500, Benjamin Kosnik wrote:
> > > Jonathan Wakely posted a patch to add the DOCTYPE headers to the files,
> > 
> > That'll be this one:
> > http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/2002-09/msg00149.html
> > 
> > > so that they can be viewed offline.  I never checked in the patch due to
> > > the skydiving accident.  My only question is what will the web server's
> > > preprocessor do when it sees a DOCTYPE already there?  I'll try to
> > > investigate that, but don't hold your breath.
> OK. Thanks for the low-down. Can this patch get checked in ASAP then?

Done on the trunk.  I hope to do some more doc changes before the next 3.2.x
release, and then this will be included in the docs merge to the branch.

> > In the long-term, if the pages should match to the main GCC wwwdocs and be
> > pre-processed to add the headers, then maybe there should be a way to add
> > similar headers to the sources and generate docs for offline viewing?
> > (If there isn't a way to do this I might have just given myself something
> > else to do. Oops)
> There should always be a way for people to view docs off-line. That
> capability is of major importance. 
> It sounds to me that the best solution is to just add the headers to the
> sources and don't do any on-the-fly processing.

I think it should work.  We'll find out.  :-)


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