ctypes patches

Thomas Heller theller@ctypes.org
Tue Feb 26 16:49:00 GMT 2008

Here are patches from the Python/ctypes libffi fork, for the src directory.
It would be great if they were applied, in full or partially, to the libffi CVS repository.

Comments on the patch:

- replace 'void (*)()' with 'void (*)(void)' everywhere.

- replace C++ comments with C comments in src/x86/ffi.c

- (src/x86/sysv.S) Patch #1560695: Add .note.GNU-stack to ctypes' sysv.S so that
  ctypes isn't considered as requiring executable stacks.

- src/powerpc/darwin_closure.S: Try to fix the build on Mac OS X 10.3.
  The 'live_support' segment attribute is not supported in this version.

- powerpc/ffi_darwin.S, powerpc/darwin.S, powerpc/darwin_closure.S, x86/darwin.S:
  The complete body of these files is surrounded by a #ifdef <arch>/#endif block,
  where <arch> is the architecture to build for.  This allows (with additional
  changes to configure.ac and configure) to build universal (fat) binaries on OS X.

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