Bug in sl_SI locale file

Florian Weimer fweimer@redhat.com
Fri Nov 29 12:02:00 GMT 2019

* Jure Sah:

> I would like to report a bug in the sl_SI locale, the version I have
> is labeled like this:
> % Language: sl
> % Territory: SI
> % Revision: 4.4
> % Date: 1997-11-05
> The problem is in the LC_NUMERIC section. The Thousands Separator
> (thousands_sep)  is indicated as <U0020> which is a space
> character. This creates problems in scripts, because space is
> sometimes a delimiter and with this setting, numbers are sometimes
> merged inappropriately. This is a problem that does not exist if a
> different locale is used (which I would assume is the usual way people
> solve this issue).
> While a thousands separator is not commonly used, the technically
> correct character for this according to Slovenian number styling
> standards, would be <U002E> aka the dot. Likely this was not used, to
> avoid problems in compatibility with locales where the dot is a
> decimal separator (e.g.: English).

I can confirm that


linked from


uses a dot as the separator:

| Zaradi duševnih motenj je bilo pri izbranih zdravnikih v Sloveniji med
| letoma 2009 in 2013 v povprečju 18.471 primerov bolniškega dopusta na
| leto, kar je 2,5 odstotka vseh bolniških dopustov.

Translated as (also linked available from the page):

| Doctors in Slovenia registered an average of 18,471 cases of sick
| leave per year due to mental disorders between 2009 and 2013, which is
| 2.5 per cent of all cases of sick leave.

I have filed a bug: <https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25233>

Our version has since switched to a Unicode narrow non-breaking space,
and I think we also disable grouping.  CLDR does not seem to have
accurate data (it uses a decimal point AFAICS).


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